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Parental Rights in Children's Medical Care

Where Is Our FREEDOM to Say No?

A Look at the Injustice of the American Medical System

Shirley Cheng

About the Author:

Shirley Cheng, daughter of Juliet Cheng, was born in 1983, in Albany, New York. Shirley’s birth was the beginning of a new world for both mother and daughter. Shirley was diagnosed with severe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at only eleven months old. Shirley Cheng's life consisted of many years of hospitalization which caused her ability to receive an education a major delay. Shirley did not start her schooling until she was eleven years old. It took her only 180 days to master grade levels in all areas, and was then transferred to a sixth grade class room. When Shirley was seventeen, she lost her eyesight due to the intake of digestive enzymes, even more reason for her to feel like giving up, but it only challenged her to strive higher and higher.
Through Shirley’s own words, she inspires many saying, "Although I'm blind, I can see far and wide; even though I'm disabled, I can climb high mountains. Let the ropes of hope haul you high!" Shirley Cheng's self-esteem is truly glowing through her continuous smiles and words as you read her story.

Shirley wrote three books at the age of 20 years old. Winner of eight book awards, here are just a few more achievements that Shirley has managed to earn:
-co-authored a self-improvement book with Jack Canfield & John Gray, Bob Proctor, Alan Cohen and Richard Carlson, entitled "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Volume 2"; Author of "The Revelation of a Star's Endless Shine", 
"Dance with Your Heart",   "Embrace Ultra-Ability", "Daring Quests of Mystics", "Waking Spirit: Prose and Poems the Spirit Sings" and also Author of the book, "Where Is Our FREEDOM to Say No?". 
-is an advocate of parental rights in children's medical care, aide/care giver monitoring and screening for students with special needs and people with disabilities, and world peace.
-tied for 1st place in the second Annual Be the Star You Are!™ national Writing Contest, garnering her a third live appearance on the nationally syndicated radio program, "Be the Star You Are".
-Plans to attending college at Harvard University, where she plans to earn doctorates in microbiology, zoology, astronomy, physiology, and pathology after a successful eye surgery.

Here is another quote from Shirley that will bring you to another sweet side of Shirley Cheng's personality: "I've made it one of my life's missions to touch as many people as I possibly can to bring humor, hope, and healing", says Shirley, whose personal motto is "A dancing heart teaches true".

 About the Book:

 "Where is Our FREEDOM to Say NO?" was written in order to bring you several  true stories of parents who in some cases had their children taken away due to wrongful actions by what we know as our Children's Medical Care System. One of the women that was highly cathartic in Shirley's innate feelings  to write this book was her own mother, Juliet Cheng. Shirley Cheng through her own life and almost death experiences due to being taken away as a child has been challenged by injustice and rises to meet this challenge with full force. Through her book, she tells about her own experiences as a child when she was taken away from her mother, not once but twice due to the Medical Laws ignorance and uncaring justice system. Your hearts will certainly be aching as you read the other stories of parents and the continuous and strenuous hurdles that they were forced to overcome due to what the Children's Medical Care System deemed to be what was in the child's best interest! Shirley calls this, "a crime against humanity" and through her uncanny and amazing strength and perseverance she pushes forward toward uncovering injustice and ignorance within our Children's Medical System.

 Womensselfesteem.com not only highly recommends this very effective and thorough account of the injustice in our medical system, we also applaud Shirley Cheng for yet another outstanding,  inspirational and  hard truth read! Once again Shirley pen's her thoughts with her heart and soul as her strength to change the unchangeable flaws in our world of justice! Without Shirley efforts and her inspiration, one can only imagine how many people would still be living with blind-thoughts and no will to keep moving forward. Again Shirley Cheng rises and adds even more inspiration and hope to her readers. Thank you Shirley Cheng for being YOU!




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For more information on Shirley Cheng



Publisher: Dance with Your Heart! Publishing




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