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There are literally hundreds of self-esteem websites online, but 99.9% of them are just trying to sell you something; example: self-help programs, eBooks, eBooklets, and eWorkbooks. It's all about your money! I know you have heard this- "if you take our self-esteem test now, you'll be invited to join us - membership is FREE". What they don't tell you is "all that we want is your money" and "our eWorkbooks are expensive and don't work".

We had decided, when we designed this website, WomensSelfesteem.com, that we would always offer effective and helpful information for free and that you should not have to pay for your self-esteem. Other sites only want your money. Benefiting from other peoples self-esteem issues is not, and never will be, our intention on this website. Aside from our own information there is so much  more that is available from other sources such as books, audios, videos and more. Unfortunately they may not be free, but we have negotiated the lowest available cost for you, so you can be sure that you are getting the best price for those products.

To become a "member" of Womensselfesteem.com, simply enter your email in the Box above, then join one (or both) of our forums: the Self-esteem Forum, or the women's Healthy Living Forum. Both are free. (to be able to post messages, you must join) If you would like to send in your picture for the "members photos" section, read the information below on "Member's Photos Information".

To learn more about a specific section of this website, choose a section below.

Womens Self-esteem Forum


Womens Self-esteem Forum


Join the Self-esteem Forum

FREE! Join Our Womens Forum for some real information from real women, just like you. It's completely Free! There are things to do, people to see and places to go here, with plenty of great information from other members of WSE. Join discussions with real women just like you, that deal with real issues such as jealousy, sexual relations, effects of abuse, health, pornography issues, daily relationship issues, love, dating, self-worth, relationship break-ups, weight, nutrition, anxiety, stress, depression, book reviews, motivational music and much more! This is a wonderful place to get to know others just like yourself. Come in, introduce yourself and find the NEW YOU! Women Helping Women!

Healthy Living Forum for Womens Self-esteem


Healthy Living Forum for Womens Self-esteem


Join Our Healthy Living Forum

FREE! Looking for low-fat healthy dinner ideas or do you know a better yoga technique? Trying to plan for a better you? The Healthy Living Forum is the place for you! You can find and share ideas and discussions, from making delectable meals and treats to sharing your jogging techniques with other WSE members. Got a recipe that you need input on? This is the place. This section is a mix-match group of healthy ideas that will build any woman's esteem and a load of confidence! No matter what your physical shape or age, you have something to contribute and your comments are always welcome. There are plenty of great ideas for staying in shape. Need some cold hard numbers to work with? Check out the Fitness Calculator. What do you do to stay healthy?

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Detailed Womens Self-esteem and Self-help Site Information




What is Womens self-esteem? Definition: A woman's experience of being capable of meeting life's challenges and the feeling of being worthy of happiness. Women who have healthy or authentic self-esteem trust their own being to be constructive, responsible, and trustworthy. It is an inner state that can be nurtured and cultivated. Self-esteem is the level that you respect and value yourself as a loveable, worthwhile woman.

Check out the section on "Abuse and Survival". Real un-edited stories from real people just like you. They have written their stories for you to read and learn from. Some of these women are still enduring the abuse and are looking for a way out. Caution: these stories are REAL! You can help also and send in your own personal story and help thousands. Here at WomensSelfesteem.com, you can learn to build your own confidence by listening and learning from others that feel the same as you do. Are you having jealousy problems? There are literally millions of women that deal with those same feelings every day. This website is for women only. Here, you can feel at home.

Check these out! Healthy Recipes With just a little bit of inspiration and planning, you can eat healthy, tasty foods that don't break the bank. Here's a quick healthy living tip: "Studies have shown that women that eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight." Eating "good for you" foods, promotes a healthy self esteem. Here you will find recipes, sent in from happy women! You can help also and Send in your own Recipes Here!

"The Female Body FAQ" section is wonderful for getting to know your own body and how to care for your self! Get the Facts, The Female Body FAQ If you want any information on the female body, this is the place for you. Mothers, teach your daughter the facts here! There is even some information on men's sexual health, something that every woman should know. There are twelve separate categories listed in the Female Body FAQ section to make it easy to understand. If you are looking for a self-help "diet" that works for everyone, check out the Fitness FAQ page. This is about Fitness made simple and it works! The whole section is written in plain language and is very easy to navigate through. Learn how YOUR BODY works and what you need to do to take care of yourself. Knowledge is power!

The Self esteem , Realtionship,  Jealousy and Abuse Articles are written by the owner of womensselfesteem.com, Dorothy. The raw and real Jealousy audio articles are one of its kind. I guarantee that you have NEVER seen a woman's feelings on womens self esteem explained in such easy to understand terms. For most women, these self help articles are what they have been looking for, for most of their lives. These are real answers for real people. When a woman really reads these articles, they are extremely happy to have finally found some real answers. Your confidence will grow just from reading the self-help information! The knowledge found in these self help articles is priceless. We believe that you should have the best information available. Dorothy is a "Featured Writer" in numerous publications, is considered an "Expert Author" and a "Professional in her field".

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