About the Author:
Nancy Whitaker is founder of, a coaching and training service for singles and couples. She is a well-known and respected licensed psychotherapist who has been in private practice for more than eighteen years. She received undergraduate degrees from Pasadena City College and The University of West Florida. Her master's degree in clinical social work is from The University of Houston. She is a member of National Association of Social Workers and a certified relationship coach.
Nancy is the author of a newly released book, SHORTCHANGED NO MORE! A Woman's Guide for Letting go and Living Free. She is also the author of BEATING THE ODDS' Journaling Your Way to a Satisfying Relationship. She has given many keynotes and conducted numerous trainings, workshops, seminars, and retreats. Nancy has also appeared on radio and television addressing relationship and mental health issues
About the book:
Have you ever thought about this..." Suffrage is Optional"?
Have you expect others to make you happy?
Do you accept personal responsibility?
DO you want to be more assertive, confident and self-empowered?
Are you searching for the key to unlock your freedom to live life?
In SHORT CHANGED NO MORE...Nancy shares very effective strategies and personal experiences that will answer those questions and more. Her expertise and professional career has given her an insight that allows her to unravel so many confusions that detour us from finding that personal power which is vital to strengthening our self-esteem. highly recommends 'SHORT CHANGED NO MORE' as a very well written personal therapist. This is a book that will teach you all about self-justification, negative pattern breaking, identifying your own short-comings,how to ask for help...most of all how to begin a renewed life of personal freedom. You will also identify something about you as you read through the pages of this excellent self-help book.
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