Shades of Gray

About the Author:
Madlyn Epstein Steinhart has a Masters degree and a post Masters degree from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. She is a teacher and has given workshops and presentations in Media Literacy. She has been writing since she was eight years old and the poetry was therapy for what was on her mind. She hopes others will be helped as well.
About the Book: highly recommends: "Shades of Gray as a every well penned book of poetry!
Poetry which will ignite your most hidden emotions. M E Steinhart shares with us her deepest thoughts through her words of passion, compassion, inspiration, encouragement, humor and reality. Reading these poems will not only fill you with renewed encouragement but it will also inspire you to keep getting back up on that horse called life!
DorothyL 02/09
Here are a few Excerpts from "Shades of Gray" that stuck in my mind as definite thoughts to ponder!
Slow down
*Stop and smell the flower.
Listen to the rhythm of the rain.
Love your special somebody.
slow down*
Coming Off Like That
* Look at yourself before you comment or judge.
Perhpas then there might be things that you begrudge*
Upon Fifty
*No longer wanting to compete with the rest.
So, I savor forty-nine and all that is sublime,
Let's hear it for fifty and whatever it will bring.*
Woman's Wish
P*lease let me think that against all odds, the
power is within my heart to rise again bettre than ever before.
Used to think that just saying the words would instill
the magic to carry forward and onward*
Say Goodbye
*To condemn what you are blind about is the saddest goodbye of all.*
For The Very First Time
*For the very first time in my life, I started loving the
one human forgotten in the shuffle called life.
For the very first time, I started loving me.*
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