About the Author:
Arlether Wilson is the award winning author of Rewriting the Script, a veteran police officer, certified Child Abuse and Family Violence Investigator. As a victims’ advocate, she is responsible for the coordination of all victim service operations at her department.
Wilson earned her Master Peace Officer Certification, which is the highest honor bestowed upon a Texas peace officer. During her tenure she promoted up the ranks and became the first female captain at her department. In 1998, she was honored as officer of the year and is recognized as a leader in her profession. Among several other honors, she has earned several congressional and senate commendations.
But she didn’t stop there. Wilson became an avid volunteer and advocate for women and children across the country. Audiences around the world are receptive to her experiences because she is truthful and transparent in her approach.
She holds a bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Master’s degree in Behavioral Science. In addition to being the owner of the Jerant Publishing Company, she is also a contributor to Think Positive Magazine, a new publication that motivates its readers to make positive life changes. She is currently co-author of a new book titled “Urban Teens and the Law”, which will be available this Fall. The first book from her new Teen Series will be available Spring of 2009.
About the Book:
Her Father unknown to her, her mother once removed due to financial and emotional issues only to become a dependent on her in her early teens, her brother, her most treasured part of life.
Her life went from secure and loving to foster homes and survival at an early age of 5..
Her home, a two bedroom apartment, shared with 9 other people.
Her bed, never to really be called her own.
Her childhood life, consisted of loneliness, abuse, poverty, starvation, deception and most of all the search for love and acceptance.
She wears two hats in her life as a child, one tattered, beaten and uncared for and the other one, with confidence, intelligence and determination to succeed against all odds.
Arlether invites you into her nightmare as she endured the life that was handed to her. Through all of the pain and suffering, she managed to exceed the challenges and overcome the horrors of her childhood.
Her very well penned words will reach out to every one of your sensors. Her story of meeting challenges and rising above it all will teach you that a victim is only a victim if they choose to stay down.
Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends, 'Rewriting The Script' as an excellent resource book for anyone who has been or still is a victim of abuse . It is a true story of inspiration, determination and faith! One only has to follow another in their footsteps to know what a strong will can overcome!
DorothyL /09

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