Born in Visalia, California, Jane is a small town girl at heart. She love's central California's golden foothills, oak trees, and the miles of farmland. Jane spent much of her high school and college years abroad, studying in South Africa, Japan and Ireland.
After years of traveling and studying Jane had to settle down and earn a living. With her Bachelors degree from UCLA in American Studies, a program that combines American literature and American history, she has worked in sales and marketing, as well as a director of a non-profit foundation. Later she earned her Masters in Writing from the University of San Francisco and taught jr. high and high school English.
Jane now lives in rugged Seattle, Washington with her two young sons.
'ODD MOM OUT' is a story about a very UNIQUE woman, Marta Zinnser, who defies all of the so called, 'social ladder expectations'.
Jane Porter creates a strong willed, beautiful, confident and intelligent character in Marta Zinsser, who is challenged every step of the way by her daughter, parents, and societies...'Oh so perfect image' mold and expectations to conform in order to succeed. Marta Zinsser rises above all of these obstacles by standing strong to her own humble beliefs and ideas of what true happiness and importance of life is. The deeper you travel into this journey of the ...'ODD MOM OUT'..the more you will catch yourself yearning, laughing, grumbling, even defying your own deep desires and wants.
Womensselfesteem.com: highly recommends 'ODD MOM OUT' as a refreshing, romantic, well penned and fun read for all women. This story is filled with self-confidence, self-respect and the courage one needs to go against all odds. Jane Porter once again turns her thoughts into a story of morals and inspiration from the first page through to the last through her well described characters. 'ODD MOM OUT' succeeds in revealing a true life lesson!
Jane Porter

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