November Mourning

Mary Jane Cronin
About the Author:
Writing of some form has always been a part of Mary's life. Born and raised in New Jersey, she spent her early years writing about daily events in a diary. Those diary's turned into journals as she recanted happy and sad days as a teenager and young woman.
Moving to Tampa Bay, Florida Mary married and had four sons. Her journals were now filled with wedding plans and thoughts of being a wife and mother.
Having one of her sons murdered in 1998 turned those journals into an outlet to mourn quietly, find comfort, and to sort out the many emotions losing a child produce. It was then she learned about soulful writing and how journaling can help someone heal their inner emotional pain.
Returning to college when her sons were in school themselves, Mary earned a Bachelor s Degree in Human Development from Eckerd College in St Petersburg, Florida and a Masters Degree in Community Psychology from Springfield College in Tampa, Florida
Helping others work through their grief and to recover from their losses has become a mission.
Mary has experience in bereavement counseling for individuals and groups, has lectured on grief and bereavement and taught bereavement support skills to teenagers, incarcerated women, hospice patients and their families, as well as to volunteers, and fellow health care professionals.
Providing life-skills and counseling services in the Tampa Bay area of Florida since 1996, Mary J Cronin is currently employed by The Hospice of the Florida Suncoast as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.
About the Book:
Have you lost a child death?
Have you lost a child to a death by a bullet?
Have you ever experienced your world as you knew it vanish in a blink of an eye?
Have you ever looked at other children and silently wished it were one of them instead of the one that was?
Have you searched for the answers to find some kind of self-consolance or explanation as to why?
Do you stay awake at night torturing yourself with parental self-blame, convincing yourself that you should have or could have done something different in your life that would have altered this horrible incident?
Did you ever imagine that you would be faced with having to forgive the person that murdered your son?
Mary Jane Cronin has... In her book November Mourning Mary takes you on her journey of pain, loneliness, emptiness, confusion, anger, hate, self-destruction and self-hate. As she shares her memoirs of her struggles to accept, overcome and learn to live life without her son, Mary will in turn deliver to you , her reader, a level of awareness on how to cope with one of the toughest challenges life can offer and one that none of us are ever prepared for. highly recommends, 'November Mourning' as an exceptional insightful book for every human being. For we all have a connection of some kind to parents with children. This book is an excellent resource for anyone involved in a sudden death of a loved one.
It is said that 'a parent losing a child is unnatural'. It is inconceivable and one of the hardest realities a human can accept because of that said fact. Mary Jane Cronin managed to survive this torment through an innate desire to move forward. Something inside of her managed to turn her loss and pain into a need to learn and teach. November Mourning may or may not erase or take away the after effects of a death of a child, but it will help guide you toward the light that is at the end of that tunnel of mourning.
Mary knows what it is and what it will take to move forward after the fact of a death of a child.
For through her loss, writing her book is our gain!
Reviewed by Dorothy ...L 08/09

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