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Menopause FAQ 


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Explore The Female Body

Q: Why do we have mood swings and get so irritable through menopause? A: Mood swings and irritability are definitely no fun for anyone!
These two emotions may seem like two different problems. By "mood swing" we usually mean a reaction that is uncontrolable and far from anything related to what triggered it. "Irritability" to most of us means an angry or impatient reaction to something that happens.

But in both cases, the physiology is based on ones hormonal imbalance. The underlying cause may be just plain tired, and if you're having hot flashes or insomnia, you are very tired! But it can also be the sudden shifts in hormonal balance so characteristic of perimenopause, especially when your body doesn't have enough support to maintain its natural balance.

Mood swings and irritability have an emotional characteristic as well. Perimenopause is a time many females find their true inner voices. That's a very natural process.  Old emotional issues tend to surface that were tucked away unresolved. This stage is important, not just to relieve your mood swings, but for your very health.

Q: What causes "Hot Flashes"? A: Most women are told that the cause of hot flashes and night sweats is caused fromthe decline in estrogen production from our ovaries in perimenopause.

Good thing that's wrong! If it were true, we'd have hot flashes for the rest of our lives, because once our estrogen production falls, it doesn't recover. And hot flashes generally stop sometime after menopause.

The actual problem is the hormonal balance is your body's natural state. When there are too many demands on your body, its ability to balance your hormones is overwhelming to ones body.

Hot flashes are caused by this hormone imbalance. The demands that create that imbalance tend to peak in perimenopause. Hot flashes and night sweats are one of the main ways your body asks for help. We encourage you to listen to your body and respond.

There are natural solutions to fix the underlying causes of hot flashes and night sweats .You can also help by exercising often and taking in soy products. There are also alot of herbs that you can take that help ease the menopausel woes. Ask your pharmacist. Over time, you should also try to reduce or manage the demands you experience.

Q: Why do females experience so much anxiety? A: Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. The anxiety may take the form of anxiety attacks (also called panic attacks), nervousness, unnatural fear, or anxiety combined with depression.

Q: "Why is this anxiety happening to me?" A:  This is happening to every female experiencing the body change of menopause. Your body is like a battle ground of hormones colliding It is just that you may have never had an anxiety attack before, that you feel so overwhelmed. There are also concerns about taking antidepressants or anxiety medication. When you understand anxiety from a hormonal perspective, you will see how natural methods can succeed in solving it- even when other methods have failed.

Q: What causes anxiety? A: Anxiety is caused by the destructive effect of stress under hormone inbalance.

It seems that women today are under more stress in all directions.  Our workplace has gotten more demanding. Most of us raise children and help care for aging parents. We often have relationship issues that create stress too. And we are conditioned to put ourselves in last place on the priority list.

The type of stress is just as important as the amount. So much of the stress we experience is with us 24/7. The human body simply isn't designed for constant stress. When that occurs, our ability to cope with stress can be to much for our minds to handle. If you list the stress in your life you may realize that much of it is non-sensical. This is a very huge cause for Adreni fatigue.

The estrogen dominance common to perimenopause probably adds to this "anxiety response". In a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen dominates at the beginning of the cycle, and progesterone rises in the second half. The progesterone has a calming, relaxing effect. But in perimenopause we have more cycles in which we don't ovulate, so the progesterone level stays low.  For some of us anxiety attacks are our major symptom of perimenopause.

There are also many unrecognized forms of stress that continue to add  to the body. Things like: yo-yo dieting…skipping regular meals and replacing them with stimulants such as sugar and caffeine…reducing sleep time to 4-6 hours each night instead of 8-9 hours…living at a frantic pace to get it all done…all of these are very hard on your body and can trigger elevations in your stress hormones.
Again that is another reason to EXERCISE and EAT balanced meals.

Q: What can I do about stress-related anxiety? A: The natural approach is to give your body more support while trying to reduce the demands you place on it. 

Insomnia and sleeplessness as symptoms of perimenopause or menopause
Do you wake up at 3:00 am and look at the clock, then can’t go back to sleep till dawn? Sleeplessness or restless sleep are often signs of hormonal imbalance in women.

Interrupted sleep patterns are especially common during perimenopause, affecting about a third of all women. It's true we need less sleep as we get older, but if you aren't waking up refreshed in the morning, do something about it. You're harming your health.

Q: What causes insomnia? A: Night sweats, which are a clear indicator of hormonal imbalance.
Chronic stress, which causes adrenal exhaustion and suppresses levels of DHEA, a very important regulator of sleep. This happens when we are way to energy deprived.
Alcohol, caffeine, or carbohydrate consumption, especially in the hours before bedtime result in sleeplessness. It’s a common mistake to eat a late dinner that’s high in carbs.
Conflicts, worries or problems that we have avoided dealing with or haven’t been able to resolve happily.
It's very important to avoid chronic dependence on sleeping pills as a cure for insomnia. They may be needed to support you through brief transitions, but they create new problems without fixing the ones you already have.

Q: Why are my joints so stiff and in so much pain all of a sudden? A: Almost all females experience some stiffness or joint pain when going through menopause. Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, hip pain — every form of joint pain you can imagine is a common stage of menopause. This is where the term, "Chronic pain", is born.

Q: What can I do to find relief for chronic pain? A:  Proper diet,exercise and nutritional supplements are the foundation. Progesterone helps balance estrogen dominance and support hormonal balance.

Q: Why am I gaining this weight?

A: Weight gain is just a part of the fun, no matter how fit you are your body is going through very traumatic changes and will bloat somewhat while it is occuring.  The answer lies in the links between hormonal balance and body fat.
At this point, toss all the norm of low carb, low fat eating habits. Your body is doing what it needs to do to protect itself throughout the hormone wars. It is nothing you are doing or can undo. You just must continue to practise your daily good eating and exercise habits until it is over.

The first and most basic link is between insulin metabolism and body fat.
A second basic link is between stress and body fat. Stress hormones block weight loss. This is sometimes called the "famine effect": despite adequate food, the body interprets prolonged stress as a famine, and once again, the body thinks it should store every spare calorie as fat. Which it does very effectively. Most women are under tremendous amounts of stress — much of it prolonged and without let-up — which leads to adrenal fatigue and intractable weight gain.  This is simply your body going into a preserve mode...It does not last as long as YOU can maintain your regular good habits.

These two links work together. Many of us combine a high-stress life with a low-fat, high-carb diet. This creates such a powerful hormonal imbalance that weight gain is almost inevitable. Yo-yo dieting — strict dieting followed by a rebound in weight — will only exacerbate the pattern because it stresses the body and damages your metabolism.

A third link is estrogen loss. As the estrogen production of your ovaries falls, your body turns to secondary production sites, including body fat, skin, and other organs. If your body is struggling to maintain its hormonal balance, body fat becomes more valuable. Of course, if you are stressed and on a low-fat diet, your body is struggling. This is a vicious circle.

A fourth link is the cravings created by high-carb diets. Because your body can't readily maintain optimal blood sugar and serotonin levels, you are compelled to have snacks and caffeine to make yourself feel better. But they only exacerbate your insulin resistance and adrenal exhaustion — another vicious circle — while adding body fat.You must work hard at maintaining your good eating habits and exercise .

Note: artificial sweeteners are not a solution, they're part of the  problem. They may lack calorie content, but they mimic sugar so well that the body produces insulin to metabolize them — contributing to insulin resistance. They actually lower your blood sugar level, which is why most contain caffeine to compensate.

By thinking only of calorie control, we actually starve our bodies of the nutrients we need to maintain health, while signaling our bodies to put on weight. Neither outcome is desirable! And you end up feeling defeated by the whole process, as though willpower had anything to do with it. 

Additional note: you have to get healthy before you can lose weight. You can't lose weight to get healthy. But if you  heal your body and try to balance your life, you will then find you can achieve and maintain your ideal weight.

Q: Why do I seem to be light headed? A: You sometimes forget what you’re doing right in the middle of doing it or find yourself re-reading the same sentence Or just can't concentrate like you used to do.
This is known as,"impaired memory" or lack of concentration and they are very common symptoms of perimenopause.

Fortunately, a temporary loss of mental function doesn’t mean you’re losing your mind, or that you’re at greater risk of getting Alzheimer’s. But it isn’t something you should accept as a normal consequence of aging, either. It's just a sign that you need be aware of this symptom and be more careful.

The sudden shifts in hormonal balance that occur so frequently in perimenopause are probably the root cause of “fuzzy thinking”. Estrogen and progesterone are key neurotransmitters in the brain, and if you suffer from hormonal imbalance, their levels are in flux.

The results of poor habits in your past eating and exercise plays a huge part here. You may be taking stimulants (smoking, alcohol, caffeine, aspartame, for example) or over-the-counter drugs (Excedrin PM, Tylenol PM, Benadryl, for example) that affect brain function or suppress neurotransmitters needed to support healthy brain function. There's recent evidence that insulin resistance may create a higher risk of Alzheimer's.
Fortunately, a temporary loss of mental function doesn’t mean you’re losing your mind, or that you’re at greater risk of getting Alzheimer’s. But it isn’t something you should accept as a normal consequence of aging, either. It's just a sign that you need to take better care of yourself.

The sudden shifts in hormonal balance that occur so frequently in perimenopause are probably the root cause of “fuzzy thinking”. Estrogen and progesterone are key neurotransmitters in the brain, and if you suffer from hormonal imbalance, their levels are in flux.

Q: What happen to my sex drive? A: Almost all women experience loss of sexual desire at some point in their lives, most commonly during perimenopause.Each individual is different, but there are three common reasons for this.

The most basic cause of low sex drive in women is hormonal imbalance, which comes in many forms. Progesterone is crucial to libido, and the natural fall in its production during perimenopause can wash away sexual desire all by itself.

Vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal wall, two common effects of declining estrogen — can make sex so painful that you dread it.

Fatigue caused by hormonal imbalance or poor nutrition, especially excess caffeine, high carbohydrate intake or a lack of protein, zapsyour energy and interest in sex.

Adrenal exhaustion also lowers the hormones that fuel sexual response. And for the women who enter menopause medically, usually through hysterectomy, hormonal imbalance is almost a given, at least initially.

Declining ovarian function also lowers a woman's testosterone levels. While we think of testosterone as a male hormone, there are smaller amounts made by a woman's ovaries that are vital to healthy sexual response and orgasm — crucial aspects of sexual dysfunction.

Your ovaries' production of testosterone can be impaired by hormonal imbalance, prescription drugs, disease, or as the result of hysterectomy.  Women who have a partial hysterectomy, in which the ovaries are not removed, over 50% experience diminished ovarian function, because removal of the uterus often affects blood supply to the ovaries.

A woman’s sexuality may also be an issue. For many women their sexual identity is rooted in their attractiveness to men, which is typically based on having a youthful body. As their bodies change at mid-life they may feel undesirable and therefore less interested in sex.

Some women believe that sexual desire is shameful or inappropriate as they get older. Women who’ve been unassertive about their sexuality in the past may prefer to sacrifice their sex lives rather than become assertive now about what’s required to satisfy their sexual needs. Some women totally throw in the towel on ever dating again, feeling that life is over in that area.

Many experts believe that relationship issues are the most difficult factor to resolve. By mid-life most couples have accumulated enough routine and unresolved resentments to squash any spark of intimacy or romance, unless they work to keep it alive. Moreover, perimenopause is naturally a time when you stop accepting unfair treatment from your partner. For many couples, it’s easier to withdraw than to change that unfair treatment.

You can do something about each of these causes — and we urge you to. There is no reason to give up on having a healthy sex life. It’s vital to the life force that supports your mind, body and well-being.

So please have sex and more sex. Ladies it is all about how good we can make each other feel, day in and day out. We are women, hear us ROAR. Menopause is just another challenge to keep us striving to climb higher.

Q. What are the symptoms of "Perimenopause"?

By th National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Changes in periods. One of the first signs may be a change in a woman’s periods. Many women become less regular; some have a lighter flow than normal; others have a heavier flow and may bleed a lot for many days. Periods may come less than 3 weeks apart or last more than a week. There may be spotting between periods. Women who have had problems with heavy menstrual periods and cramps will find relief from these symptoms when menopause starts.

Hot flashes. A hot flash is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of your body. Your face and neck become flushed. Red blotches may appear on your chest, back, and arms. Heavy sweating and cold shivering can follow. Flashes can be as mild as a light blush or severe enough to wake you from a sound sleep (called night sweats). Most flashes last between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.

Problems with the vagina and bladder. The genital area can get drier and thinner as estrogen levels change. This dryness may make sexual intercourse painful. Vaginal infections can become more common. Some women have more urinary tract infections. Other problems can make it hard to hold urine long enough to get to the bathroom. Some women find that urine leaks during exercise, sneezing, coughing, laughing, or running.

Sex. Some women find that their feelings about sex change with menopause. Some have changes to the vagina, such as dryness, that makes sexual intercourse painful. Others feel freer and sexier after menopause — relieved that pregnancy is no longer a worry. Until you have had 1 full year without a period, you should still use birth control if you do not want to become pregnant. After menopause a woman can still get sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as HIV/AIDS or gonorrhea. If you are worried about STDs, make sure your partner uses a condom each time you have sex.

Sleep problems. Some women find they have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep – they may not fall asleep easily or may wake too early. They may need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and then find they aren’t able to fall back to sleep. Hot flashes also may cause some women to wake up.

Mood changes. There may be a relationship between changes in estrogen levels and a woman’s mood. Shifts in mood may also be caused by stress, family changes such as children leaving home, or feeling tired. Depression is NOT a symptom of menopause.

Q. What is “menopause”? A. The word “menopause” (“ménespausie”) was used for the first time in 1816 by Gardanne.26 Initially, the phenomenon of menopause was explained as a deficiency of ganglionic regulatory functions. In 1910, Marshall27 recognized that the ovary should be classified as an endocrine organ. From the endocrine perspective, the menopause represents a primary ovarian insufficiency and has an inception between the ages of 40 and 56 years, with a mean age of 51 years.28 From a scientific perspective, natural menopause coincides with the FMP, and this cannot be determined until there have been12 months of amenorrhea.9 This definition is based on clinical epidemiological evidence that the probability of resumption of menstruation after 12 months of amenorrhea is vanishingly small.29,30

Much confusion has been caused by differing definitions used in relationship to changing ovarian status. Definitions were provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) Scientific Group on Research on the Menopause in the 1990s.9 More recently, these definitions and others were considered by the Council of Affiliated Menopause Societies (CAMS) of the International Menopause Society (IMS). The only change recommended to the WHO definitions was the inclusion of the term “climacteric,” considered by many clinicians to be descriptive of this phase of life. The list of menopauserelated definitions given below was approved by the IMS in October 1999, in Yokohama, Japan.31

Q. What is "perimenopause"? A. It is the time leading up to menopause (when you have not had your period for twelve months). During perimenopause, your body starts making less of certain hormones (estrogen and progesterone), and you begin to lose the ability to become pregnant.

Q. What is "Post Menopause"?

A. Postmenopause follows menopause and lasts the rest of your life. Pregnancy is no longer possible. There may be some symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, which may continue long after you have passed through menopause.

Q: What can I do to combat the symptoms of menopause?

A:  You and your doctor will decide whether therapy to raise your diminishing hormone levels is the best treatment for you. If you are a candidate for estrogen therapy (ET) or hormone therapy (HT), you have delivery methods from which to choose. Estrogen and estrogen/progestin combinations come in several forms, including pills and patches. ET therapy, such as Vivelle-Dot, has been shown to successfully treat moderate to severe menopausal symptoms†. While there are many benefits associated with ET, there also are risks associated with the therapy. (See below)

In addition to ET or other prescribed therapies, there are also a number of lifestyle commitments you can make to help make your menopausal experience a positive one.

Q: Will my sex life be the same after menopause?

A: Sex can be enjoyable during menopause.
 Many women enjoy sex even more during this stage in life more than any other. There’s no more risk of pregnancy, and children are, for the most part, grown and out of the house. Still, certain menopausal symptoms could affect sexual intercourse. The good news is that these symptoms are treatable.

 Over time, the lack of estrogen reduces vaginal lubrication. Vaginal tissue gradually becomes drier, thinner and less elastic, making sexual intercourse painful and possibly causing vaginal irritation. This shrinkage of tissue may also lead to difficulty urinating or burning urination.

Q. What about the my heart and my bones?

You may not even notice two important changes that happen with menopause.

  • Loss of bone tissue can weaken your bones and cause osteoporosis.

  • Heart disease risk may grow, due to age-related increases in weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Osteoporosis. To maintain strong bones, the body is always breaking down old bone and replacing it with new healthy bone. For women, the loss of estrogen around the time of menopause causes more bone to be lost than is replaced. If too much bone is lost, bones become thin and weak and can break easily. Many people do not know they have weak bones until they break a wrist, hip, or spine bone (vertebrae). Doctors can test bone density (bone densitometry) to find out if you are at risk of osteoporosis. You can lower your risk of bone loss and osteoporosis by making changes to your lifestyle — regular weight-bearing exercise and getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D can help. There are also drugs available that prevent bone loss. Talk to your doctor to find out what is best for you.

Heart disease. Younger women have a lower risk of heart disease than do men of the same age. But after menopause, a woman’s risk of heart disease is almost the same as a man’s. In fact, heart disease is the major cause of death in women, killing more women than lung or breast cancer. It’s important to know your blood pressure, and levels of cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, and fasting blood glucose. You can lower your chance of heart disease by eating a healthy diet, not smoking, losing weight, and exercising regularly. There are also drugs that can help. Talk to your doctor to be sure you are doing everything possible to protect your heart.

Q: What is estrogen therapy?

A:Plant-derived hormones
The hormone in Vivelle-Dot comes from plant-derived sources.

 Low Therapeutic Doses
While the levels of hormone entering the body from Vivelle-Dot are low, yet the levels are appropriate for treating moderate to severe menopausal symptoms† and are similar to levels achieved in a phase of your menstrual cycle. That’s true in part because the hormone in Vivelle-Dot passes directly through the skin and into the bloodstream, avoiding the digestive tract and liver metabolism.

 Therapeutic levels are achieved with smaller transdermal doses as compared to oral therapy. This does not imply increased efficacy or safety.

 Controlled, Sustained ReleaseWearing the patch over the 3.5-day wear period provides effective relief of your moderate to severe menopausal symptoms† and helps prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis*.

 Ultra Convenience
 The thin, discreet, and comfortable Vivelle-Dot is applied to the lower abdomen just twice a week. In clinical trials, women found that the patches stayed on well and were comfortable to wear. The patch is designed to move with you as you move. This means you can swim, bathe, and enjoy an active lifestyle while wearing the patc


Q: What are the benefits of Estrogen Therapy (ET)?

A: Many women find that Estrogen Therapy (ET) diminishes moderate to severe menopausal symptoms, including bothersome hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Women also are at higher risk for developing osteoporosis during menopause. Estrogen Therapy (ET) helps to lower this risk so that women go through the second phase of life with healthier bones.

Q: What are the risks of Estrogen Therapy (ET)?

A: Estrogens increase the chances of getting cancer of the uterus (womb). Report any unusual vaginal bleeding right away while you are taking estrogens. Vaginal bleeding after menopause may be a warning sign of cancer of the uterus (womb).

Do not use estrogens with or without progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, or strokes. Using estrogens with or without progestins may increase your chances of getting heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and blood clots. Using estrogens may increase your risk of dementia (decline in memory and thinking skills).

ET should not be used if you have unusual vaginal bleeding; currently have or have had certain cancers, including cancer of the breast or uterus; had a stroke or heart attack in the recent past (for example, in the past year); currently have or have had blood clots; currently have or have had liver problems; or think you may be, or know that you are, pregnant.

Q: What is the Vivelle-Dot?

A: Vivelle-dot is an estrogen hormone patch.

 The Vivelle-Dot patch is a small translucent patch you apply directly to your abdomen. The patch provides controlled, sustained release of estrogen through your skin and directly into your bloodstream, for relief of moderate to severe menopausal symptoms and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Q: Where should I apply the patch? A: Place the patch on your lower abdomen, changing the location each time you change the patch. You should allow an interval of at least one week before you place the patch in the same spot again.

Q: What effect does bathing, showering, or swimming have on the patch? A: Contact with water, whether you are bathing, showering, or swimming, should have no effect on the patch. The patch is designed to feel natural and move when you move.

Q: How long should I wear Vivelle-Dot? A: As with any other prescription medication, you should follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding Vivelle-Dot.

Q:What should I do if my patch falls off? A: If your patch should fall off, you can reapply the same patch to a different area of your lower abdomen. If necessary, you may apply a new patch, but continue with your original "patch days" schedule.

Q: When can I start taking vivelle-Dot?

A: Vivelle-Dot is used after menopause to: reduce moderate to severe hot flashes; treat moderate to severe dryness, itching and burning in or around the vagina; help reduce your chances of getting osteoporosis (thin weak bones); and treat certain conditions in which a young woman’s ovaries do not produce enough estrogens naturally. Vivelle-Dot 0.025 mg/day is only used to prevent osteoporosis from menopause.

If you use Vivelle-Dot only to treat your dryness, itching, and burning in and around your vagina or if you use Vivelle-Dot only to prevent osteoporosis from menopause, talk with your health care professional about whether a different treatment or medicine without estrogens might be better for you.

Q: What is Novogyne? A: Novogyne Pharmaceuticals is a joint venture between Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation of East Hanover, New Jersey and Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of Miami, Florida. Since May 1998, Novogyne has been offering pharmaceutical products that enable physicians to better serve the medical needs of mature women. Novogyne's products include Vivelle-Dot, the smallest estrogen patch available, and CombiPatch (estradiol/norethindrone acetate transdermal system). With these two advanced patches, Novogyne was the first company in the U.S. offering transdermal systems for both the estrogen-only and combination estrogen/progestin markets

Q: What is the advantage to Novogyne? A: Novogyne's systems deliver drugs utilizing an adhesive patch containing medication. When applied to the skin, medication is delivered through the skin and into the bloodstream over an extended period of time. Most of Novogyne's patches utilize the patented DOT Matrix technology, which allows them to deliver more drug through a smaller patch area than any other HT patches. DOT Matrix achieves this without compromising the patch's ability to adhere. DOT Matrix patches adhere through normal activities, including showering, swimming and exercise. Simply put, Novogyne offers small patches that women can put on and be comfortable with.

Q: What can Novogyne offer me? A: With the mature woman's comfort in mind, Novogyne offers the most advanced, and wearable, transdermal patches on the market:
Vivelle-Dot, a postage-stamp-sized advanced generation estrogen patch and the smallest estrogen patch available; and CombiPatch (estradiol/norethindrone acetate transdermal system), the first combination estrogen/progestin hormone therapy (HT) patch in the U.S.

Q: What is the most important information that I should know about Combipatch (a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones)?

A: Do not use estrogens and progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, or strokes. Using estrogens and progestins may increase your chances of getting heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and blood clots. Using estrogens with progestins may increase your risk of dementia (decline in memory and thinking skills).

 You and your health care professional should talk regularly about whether you still need treatment with CombiPatch (estradiol/norethindrone acetate transdermal system) and whether you are taking the lowest dose that works for you.

 CombiPatch is used after menopause to: reduce moderate to severe hot flashes; treat moderate to severe dryness, itching and burning in or around the vagina; and treat certain conditions in which a young woman’s ovaries do not produce enough estrogens naturally. If you use CombiPatch only to treat your dryness, itching and burning in or around the vagina, talk with your health care professional about whether a topical vaginal product would be better for you.

 The most common side effects that may occur with CombiPatch are breast pain, vaginal bleeding, and headache.

Do not use CombiPatch if you have had your uterus removed (hysterectomy). CombiPatch should not be used if you have unusual vaginal bleeding; currently have or have had certain cancers, including cancer of the breast or uterus; had a stroke or heart attack in the recent past (for example, in the past year); currently have or have had blood clots; currently have or have had liver problems; or think you may be, or know that you are, pregnant.

Q. Where can I find more information on Menopause?

Information brought to you by : the following links-

Premenopause and Menopause Treatment Information 

Learn more about the early signs of menopause, premenopause and menopause symptoms, take the online health test and find physician-recommended natural solutions for womens health problems.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is a membership organization of obstetrician-gynecologists dedicated to the advancement of women's health through education, advocacy, practice and research.

The Hormone Foundation
A non-profit organization that works to educate the public about the role of hormones in health and disease.

International Menopause Society
The aim of the International Menopause Society is to promote knowledge, study and research on all aspects of aging in men and women; to organize, prepare, hold and participate in international meetings and congresses on this subject; and to encourage the interchange of research plans and experience between individual members.

National Association for Women's Health
NAWH represents organizations and individuals dedicated to improving the quality of women's health by integrating the best of business, science, policy and clinical practice.

National Institute on Aging
The National Institute on Aging (NIA), one of the 25 institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.

National Institutes of Health
The NIH mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. NIH works toward that mission by: conducting research in its own laboratories; supporting the research of non-Federal scientists in universities, medical schools, hospitals, and research institutions throughout the country and abroad; helping in the training of research investigators; and fostering communication of medical information.

National Women's Health Resource Center
A U.S. federal government clearinghouse for women's health information, including menopause.

North American Menopause Society
The leading scientific nonprofit organization devoted to promoting women's health during midlife and beyond through understanding of menopause.






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