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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Richelle has dedicated her life and career to helping others through consultative services in the for-profit and non-profit arenas. She is a United States Vietnam-era veteran and lived in West Germany for over seven years, as an active duty service woman and as a supporting service member’s wife. She has had a successful career in the museum, insurance and franchising industries. Richelle has served on the Board of Directors for numerous professional and community organizations in PA, TX, AR, NY and DE; such as CONTACT Harrisburg and the National Board of CONTACT USA and served as the Vice President of Membership with the Junior League of Harrisburg and currently as a Sustaining Member with the Junior League of Wilmington. Richelle also worked as a Registrar Museum Consultant for the Barnes Foundation in Marion, PA and as the Executive Director for President Clinton’s Birthplace in Hope, Arkansas. She also served as President of NAWBO (National Association of Business Owners) in Delaware.

She was an Aspirant with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and is currently a Lay Prayer Associate. She is also a Eucharistic Minister and Lector at her church. Richelle has a passion for empowering others to be the best they can be through their ever growing relationship with God in their daily lives. With this book, she offers hope to those who are truly seeking Him. Richelle firmly believes that each day is a gift from God, to continue to grow in our faith and trust, regardless of our age; with new and exciting beginnings as exemplified in her life story. She now dedicates her life to taking care of her husband, writing, public speaking and other entrepreneurial activities. She is married and the proud grandmother of triplets. She holds a Masters Degree in Human Resources/Labor Relations from St. Francis University in Loretta, PA.
ABOUT THE BOOK: FOREVER GROWING, A JOURNEY OF TRUST,  This truly is a spiritual, and empowering testimonial.  The words shared in this book are a teacher in themselves. They will teach us the importance of self-surrender to God and the acceptance of His love for us. 

Richelle Rodgers shares with you very powerful and spiritual thoughts that at one or more times in her life lit up the darkness in her soul.  In her words, "I was discouraged and felt that God had abandoned me for a little while. However, during this period, I also learned to believe in how much God really did love me. All I had to do was give God permission to love me." 

These words carry the utmost powerful and spiritual messages which will give you the ability to conquer your fears and self-doubts in your weak moments of thought. 


WOMENSSELFESTEEM.COM'S REVIEW: Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends this book as a very powerful, inspirational autobiographical and spiritual guide for all ages. Through Richelle N. Rodgers suggestions on how to deal with discouragement in life, you will be able to renew your own self-doubts and weak moments of thought.

As you turn the page, you will learn how to strengthen your inner self from victim to victor, and open your heart and mind to the faith of God and his love for you.You will close this book with not only the knowledge, but also the confidence on how to lose your fears and accept God's strength through his spiritual powers. 
The intimacy  Richelle's story as she shares the experiencesof her life will touch you again and again as you open your heart to her words of love.
You are not alone in this journey of trust...
 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3-5)


Dorothy Lafrinere



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