Q. What is a breast?
A. Two glands on the chests of women. Men also have breast tissue. Breasts are considered sex organs because they are often sexually sensitive and may inspire sexual desire. They produce milk during and after pregnancy.
Q. Is It okay if my breasts are different sizes?
A. Yes. It's very normal to have breasts of different sizes. Most women do.
Q. What is a Mammogram?
A. X-ray photographs of the breasts that can detect cancerous tumors before they can be felt. Right now it is probably the best know way of looking for cancer in the breast. The procedure does not take very long, but can be somewaht uncomfortable as the breast is place into an opening of a machine, then compressed slightly for the x-ray.

Q. What are the different parts of the breast?
A. Provided by http://www.breastcancer.org
Breast Anatomy
Breast profile:
A ducts
B lobules
C dilated section of duct to hold milk
D nipple
E fat
F pectoralis major muscle
G chest wall/rib cage
A normal duct cells
B basement membrane
C lumen (center of duct) | | |
Q. Is there a pill that really can enlarge my breasts?
A. There are NO pills that have been approved for use in the United States for cosmetic breast enlargement, but there are a LOT of drugs that include breast enlargement as a side effect. There are many "natural" and/or herbal products on the market that make claims that they can enlarge or enhance the bustline. These products usually use some form of phytoestrogen. It's a nutrient found in foods like soy or yams, that mimics female hormones in the body. There is currently a lot of controversy about whether phytoestrogens and growth hormones are safe.
Q. Where is my clitoris?
A. Exactly where yours is, I cannot tell you, but I will answer these faqs. “Where is the clitoris located in the female?” “Is it different in every woman", “what is the easiest way to locate it?"
The clitoris is an erectile organ and can be very sensitive. It is located just below the pubic bone, and inside of and close to the top of the labia. The labia (majora and minora) are the outer and inner folds of skin that surround the clitoris, the urethra opening, and the vagina.The urethra is where you pee out of. The glans (or tip) of the clitoris, is the outer part that you can see. It attaches to the shaft, which runs along internally from the glans. The clitoris connects to an interior system of erectile tissue that runs throughout a woman's genital area. The erectile tissue responds to sexual arousal by filling with blood and becoming harder and more erect, much in the same way as a man's penis. During times of sexual excitement, the clitoris swells with blood and changes it's position just a bit. The clitoris is covered by a clitoral "hood" that is part of the labia. The size and shape of the clitoris is different in every woman, but it's location is about the same for all women.
There is one consistent theme though. Most women who are able to feel comfortably intimate with their partners, or who have partners that are loving and responsive to their needs, will function better physically and orgasm more easily. This will lead to understanding who you are in a relationship and what your needs are sexually, motionally and intimately.
Q. What is a cervix?
A. The narrow lower part of the uterus (womb), with an opening connecting the uterus to the vagina.

Q. What is a Hymen?
A. It’s a thin protective elastic membrane or strip of skin that partially covers your vaginal opening. When you reached puberty, the hymen stretches easily. A hymen can be torn very easily and may produce some blood when this happens. Dont be afraid, its not life threatening. It can break from exercising, horseback riding, riding a bicycle or from using a tampon.
Q. What is a "Vagina"?
A. Simple definition: The stretchable passage that connects a woman's outer sex organs — the vulva — with the cervix and uterus.
Q. What are the names of the basic parts to a woman's vagina?

Q. I'm female and I'm about to have sex for the first time. Will sex hurt?
A. Sex should not hurt at any time if done correctly. Most women do not bleed a lot the first time they have sexual intercourse, but there may be a small amout of blood. If there is bleeding, it's usually because your hymen broke or has torn. The hymen is a membrane that covers the opening of a woman's vagina. It covers the vaginal opening only partially. Every woman's hymen looks different. Most girls break their hymens during childhood, often without knowing, mostly from the use of tampons. If your hymen is still intact, you can stretch it open yourself for s few weeks before you try to have intercourse. It should be pushed to the sides of the vagina. If sex hurts, it's usually because a woman has not been sexually aroused before intercourse. In otherwords, her vagina is not lubricated enough before a man penetrates her.
Q. What can I do about Recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
A. Urinary tract infections can affect both men and women Friction, usually by the penis during intercourse or by masturbating, usually the cause of UTIs. A change of position can make a difference in the prevention. In addition, drinking lots & lots of water sometimes helps flush out the urethra. Urinating immediately after intercourse, for both men and women, may help flush out the urethra of semen, diaphragm jelly, nonoxynol-9, and/or bacteria. Often, UTIs occurs following intercourse, especially after first intercourse ("honeymoon cystitis" ) or have not had intercourse for a while. If left untreated chronic infections may result in kidney infections and even permanent damage. You don't necessarily have to go to a GYN for treatment. You can normally go to your family doctor.
Q. Are vaginal secretions normal?
A. Yes. It is normal to have secretions at times of the month other than your period. These secretions keep the vagina clean, help prevent infection, and provide lubrication during sexual arousal and intercourse. You may see a clear sticky discharge about 2 weeks after your period. This is very normal and is a sign that you have ovulated. If your discharge itches, burns, smells bad or changes color, you should see a doctor promptly since you may have an infection.
Q. I have a thick white discharge from my vagina and it itches. Do I have a yeast infection?
This is a typical symptom of a yeast infection. This is a very curable infection, but you should see your doctor to be sure what it is. You can buy medicine for this at almost any drug store, and you do not need a perscription. In extreme cases, which are not all that uncommon, antibiotics will acompany the normal treatments as prescribed by a doctor.
Q. What are the inside reproductive parts of a woman?
A. Again, a picture is worth a thousand words: