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Healthy Living Forum > Sit-ups to commercials
Sit-ups to commercials
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31 posts
Nov 15, 2005
2:53 PM
A good tip for the television watchers out there!

Did you ladies know, that any television show that is an hour long, has approx 5-6 commercials that last at least 3@1/2 minutes.

Hmmmmmm....I wonder what I am thinking...well I am thinking that you can use that time wisely and do some sit-ups while waiting for your show to return.

When I watch a movie now and then, I use that time totally to benefit my body. I always lay on the floor and do sit-ups and even toss in some arm exercises and do a few light push ups.

The best part is you do not even realize you are doing them after a while. The movie or show that you watch will keep you well entertained and distracted.

I call this guiltless T.V!


(Site Administrator)
10 posts
Mar 09, 2006
10:49 PM
yea, why not! I never thought of that..hehehe..terrific idea! thanks a lot!

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