14 posts
Oct 01, 2005
2:40 PM
Hey ladies....welcome to the new message board.
This tip is for everyone on earth. We are always hearing about how we NEED to drink at least 8 glasses of WATER a day. It is like darn impossible to do that never mind to fit it into ones schedule. So try to do this:
-Drink two glasses of water first thing in the morning; you'll feel energized. -Drink one glass half an hour before meals. It'll help you feel less hungry and lead to fewer cravings. -Drink one glass for each glass of beer or wine, and with every cup of tea or coffee.
This does help. I do it and the morning water hydrates you for the first part of the day. It also helps give you a much needed kick start. You actually feel very nourished about 1 hour after you drink your am water!
Hi friends... I'm back "on plan" and a way I've found to making sure I drink my water is that I can't have my "treat" (usually a diet pepsi)until I get in all my water for the day...
I also carry around a water bottle when I get home from keeps me from snacking and/or eating late in the day...
HI MJ!!!!!
Last Edited by Stacy on Oct 25, 2005 2:22 PM