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Title Of Book: The Woman's Guide to Exceptional Living
Name Of Author: Corrie Woods
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
ISBN#: 978-1-60037-395-4
Pages: 179


Corrie Woods known as an author, speaker, women's retreat leader, and professional life coach, she is a creative partner, collaborator, and "way-outside-the-box" thinker. She challenges women to see new possibilities, to shift from negative to positive priority living, and to become vitally engaged in life. Working in collaboration with women to dramatically expand the view of what's possible in living a fully expressed and fully loved life is Corrie's passion. Corrie is the founder of WindRiver Coaching and Consulting, offering products and services in support of living your life as the brilliant, joyful, authentic you! She is also a Graduate of CoachU Coach Training Program, Certified Seasons of Change Facilitator, Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator Administrator, Participant National Outdoor Leadership School, Parent, Poet.

The Woman's Guide to Exceptional Living is an enjoyable and light read full of inspiration, motivation, positive direction and feel good tips.
This book is a retreat of its own words. It is written with a light hearted direction and purpose. You will learn how to love yourself, nurture yourself and how to, "find love instead of finding fault"

Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends, The Woman's Guide to Exceptional Living as a very empowering guide to a happier and healthier you. You will read about self-acceptance, which is a key to unlocking the doors of low self-worth feelings in every word Corrie Woods shares with her readers in this book. A true sweet escape for all women who suffer todays demands and confusions.






Reviewer- Dorothy Lafrinere, Founder of WomensSelfesteem.com










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