Cindy Jost resides in Toronto, Canada with her husband and 2 sons. Her inspiration to write this book came by the death of
her mother-in-law. Cindy's goal is to help others live their dream! Cindy is currently working on another book which is
going to be a sci-fi novel, which will take Cindy into a complete different area of thought.
Do you find that most self-help techniques sound good but are very short lived?
Do you have desires?
Do you understand the meaning of, "Common Sense?"
Are you in search of a more lucrative life?
The directions and pieces to the puzzles of life are all found in this book, WILL YOUR WANTS! You will also come to realize as
you follow the authors words that the direction you will be heading is right back towards yourself. You are the most
important element in finding a happier life.WILL YOUR WANTS is a must for all readers in search of embracing all that life has to offer.
The author wastes no words in getting her thoughts directly to the reader as she discusses such issues as negative and positive beliefs, visualization,
passions, relationships and internal energies. This book is filled with very good analogies, and strategies that enables you to learn to not only identify
but also to apply action necessary to reach a more powerful and well-balanced life.
Womensselfesteem.com Highly recommends," WILL YOUR WANTS" as a highly effective, beneficial quick and to the point read!
If your wants and desires are to feel good about who YOU are, to feel important in this world to those around you, or to be
truly happy in your life, then may I suggest you read this book.The author has selected very key strategies in reaching those
goals. After all, it is happiness that we all strive for!
Reviewed by DorothyL 11/07
For more information about the author and how to purchase this book, visit:
Name Of Author: Cindy Jost
Publisher: Publish America
ISBN#: 1-4241-9216-1
Pages: 48