Fadi Hattendorf
In Fadi Hattendorf's words:
My inspiration to writing:
Everyday's life. Love.
Why would two people find love to run away from it?
Why do two people marry to call it quit after a few months?
Why would two people be together for decades only to turn their back on what they shared and built for so long for a new love that wasn't a real love?
Why do people find happiness in one another only to disrespect, lie to them, cheat on them, and still believe it is all okay?
Why do people use “I love you” only to ride on someone’s fame, money and just use someone to their advantage?
It is fascinating. I still ask “what is love?” Where is the true love? What do you say “I love you” for?
I wanted to dissect love, take a deep look at it by writing on reality based stories.
I'm married and a proud mother of one child. I currently reside in Phoenix, AZ.
Why do we say, I Love You?
Why is it so easy for some and not others?
Is Love something that you can see or only feel?
Is Love the same for everyone?
Is Love different with age?
Oh the mysteries we are constantly being challenged with when it comes to LOVE.
WHAT IS LOVE?, takes you on one journey to one destination, using many different roads. The journey or rather the destination being in understanding the true meaning of LOVE.
Love has many faces, with no reason or rhyme, yet manages to take ahold of our minds with a same power like no other, that is truly captivating and hypnotic. Fadi Hattendorf writes about individual journeys taken by many different minds in order to reach the understanding of true LOVE. You will without a doubt find yourself identifying, comparing and even taking mental notes as you read through the experiences of each character and which road they took that lead them to the understanding LOVE..
Womensselfesteem.com recommends: WHAT IS LOVE? PERSPECTIVES ON LOVE as a well written and inspirational resource and even to some degree a self-help book, as the title reads, on the perspectives of love. This book is one of a kind in how it will open your eyes and allow you to see clearly and concisely the road you need to take in order to find your understanding of LOVE.
Reviewed by Dorothyl
Barnes & Nobles.com
Create Space.com
Feathered Quill Blog.com
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781461146797
- Publisher: Createspace
- Publication date: 7/28/2011
- Pages: 204
- Product dimensions: 5.51 (w) x 8.50 (h) x 0.47 (d)