Title: Vampire Slayer: One Foot In Darkness
Author: Dani A. Camden
Publisher: www.PublishAmerica.com
Pages: 238 Soft Cover
About the Author: Dani A. Camden; Born in St. Louis, Missouri, and experiencing most of her adolescent life in Farmington, Missouri, DANI CAMDEN, mother of three, is happily married to an Army Medic where they now reside in Central Texas.
DANI CAMDEN was born with several orthopedic disabilities and at the young age of fourteen was forced to make a life long decision. She chose to follow through with amputation, her choice of amputation not only caused her some doubt through out her life, but it was what fueled her to fight to be stronger and not allow mere physical differences to separate her from who she was inside. DANI CAMDEN continues her life long battle and through her writings, she finds an escape that allows her to use her disability in making the world a better place. I commend DANI CAMDEN for her inner strength and desire to embrace and live life as it was meant to be lived.
About the Book: "VAMPIRE SLAYER (one foot in the darkness)"- Amputation, vampires, death, priestesses, goddesses, and witches, are just a few things that you will envision while reading,”VAMPIRE SLAYER”.
Fear, hate, self-loathing, self-pity, love, laughter, determination, embarrassment and acceptance are emotions that you will feel while journeying through, “VAMPIRE SLAYER”. This book was written for a mature audience, and will open up many doors for those who are locked up in a prison of hopelessness and failure. This is a book of illusion and in many ways therapy for Dani Camden, a much needed therapy that helps her find her way to self-acceptance.
Emma Hogan is the character that Dani Camden has chosen to live through in her story of the, “VAMPIRE SLAYER”. You will read of the bond that strengthens Emma Hogan and her twin brother’s powers against evil. As you read this book, your awareness of Emma’s inner change will get stronger as you near the end.
Here is a small example of Emma while her self-worth was at its lowest point:
“Because of this stupid thing, people now define her by it. “Do you know Emma Hogan? You know, the girl with the fake leg?” Why not the really pretty girl with the twin brother even. It’s not fair that this happened to her!
Now here is an example of her self-worth at its highest:
“What happened to your leg?” Emma looked up to see a sweet little girl no more than six standing next to her.
Jimmy and Layla froze, afraid of Emma`s reaction to the girls innocent question of childhood curiosity. The girl’s mother had heard her daughter’s inquiry and ran to apologize. “Carrie, no, honey! You shouldn’t ask questions like that, it’s very rude! I’m sorry she bothered you! But to her companions surprises, Emma simply smiled, “Oh no, it’s fine!” she said to her mother. She then looked back over to the little girl and smiled bigger. “Well, my old one didn’t work very well, so the doctor had to take it away and give me a new one. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah! I understand! That’s neat!” She turned abruptly up to her mother and pulled on her skirt. “Mommy! I want a new leg too! Can I get one?” Emma laughed at the little girls reaction as her mother led her away. Jimmy smiled proudly at his sister. She was at peace in a way and that made him happy!
Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends,”Vampire Slayer” as a different type of self help read. "Vampire Slayer: one foot in the darkness" is certainly not your everyday story book, it is however one that can teach us just how strong we can be when we depend on our inner person instead of our outer person. It will also take you away from reality, for a bit of mysterious entertainment and at the same time introduce us to the pain and agony that the author DANI CAMDEN has suffered throughout her life as an amputee.
~Dani, it is an honor to review your story as it is written through your very well chosen characters. ~D~
Vampire Slayer can be purchased at: