Survival of the Fittest Book Review

Survival of the Fittest... One Child's Life in the Foster Care System
Title: Survival of the Fittest... One Child's Life in the Foster Care System
Author: Lauretta Ali
Publisher: Neeshee Publication
Pages: 98 Soft Cover
ISBN#: 0-9770907-3-6
About the Author: Lauretta Ali is an actress and performance artist residing in Atlanta, GA, along with her husband Yusef Ali who plays the Congas and Percussion under the logo, "Poetry & Skins".
Lauretta also works as a community leader and a child advocate in Atlanta, GA. Through her writings, she shows a unique strength of character gained solely through her abilities to overcome and relive the sufferings and nightmares of her past. Lauretta shares even more of her talents through her poetry writings.
About the Book: Survival of the Fittest... One Child's Life in the Foster Care System: "I see a little girl, whose wide mouth is open in a fixed, protracted wail, though no sound emits. Deep inside my soul that scream still exists, searing, straining to give birth. The closest release is weeping, daring not to lend voice to the scream." Survival of the Fittest is a very sad and real story that reveals the life of a little girl (Lenora) and her brother (Harry Jr). At very young ages, they were both given up to the world of Foster care. A world that becomes a rollercoaster of happiness, sadness, terror and growth. Lenora and her brother begin their lives in the foster care system as does any child, through no desire of their own. Through Lenora's eyes, the author will take you on a journey into an experience as a foster child. An journey of horror, a horror that so many children in our world have endured and are still enduring to this very day.
Survival of the Fittest is a book written with a purpose. The purpose being, that just maybe Lenora's story will open the eyes of parents who chose for whatever reason to hand their own babies over to a world not fit for humans. A world that to the foster parents is in too many situations about nothing more than fast money for people that will treat children like animals and in many cases even worse.
This book will reach, you the reader through your heart and compassion. Yes, you will even smile a few times while turning the pages, but you will soon feel nauseous and a deep hatred towards mankind for the horrible things they are capable of doing to the innocence of children. There is an education to be found through Lenora's story, but more so a reminder that just because you cannot see the abuse, that it is not happening. Lenora's story does unfortunately have a happy ending. Unlike so many children that are being served up to the horrors of foster care today! highly recommends, ”Survival of the Fittest... One Child's Life in the Foster Care System” to any foster care system, parents that are deciding to give up their children, law enforcement agencies, high school students, and anyone else that can be made to understand how very vital it is today to protect our children. Please do not let them continue to be swallowed up by society’s ignorance.
Note to the author: "I commend Lauretta Ali's courage that she found in order to bring us her story about foster care systems."
Reviewed by Dorothyl - June 30/07
Survival of the Fittest Is available for purchase. Click the Book Cover Below to order your copy now!
