Speaking of Success

Women's Stories and Strategies for Living with Peace and Passion
Sarah T Kruel
About the author:
Sarah T. Kruel has a lifetime of experience in the field of mental health and substance abuse as a therapist, researcher and teacher. For much of her career she served as the director of one of the worlds largest dential addiction treatment centers. She is also an avid horsewoman who competes regularly at major horse shows on the east coast and is the author of a number of interview-based articles for equestrian publications.
About the book:
What is your personal passion?
Is it risk taking, fine tuning your life, knowing your inner spirit, understanding the effectiveness of your own personal power, being able to turn your frown upside down, knowing your purpose, having the power to just let go, or even being able to move forward a little step each day?
You will find all the reasonings to those questions behind the cover of, 'Speaking of Success'.
Sarah T. Krule interviews 29 women all sharing their own unique memoirs. These 29 women are randomly picked and are all from different ' walks of life'.
These stories will reveal such wonderments as:
-What it means to, ' Look good and how to achieved'.
-The importance of body image and how it can affect one's happiness.
-Knowing the difference between being Diva-oriented or doing what you think is expected of you.
-Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
These stories are of true success. Through this self-help book, you will win the battle of true self-empowerment.
Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends: Speaking of Success as a definite empowering resource for all women. You will find a certain strength through these stories that define womanhood to the core.We are woman, we are strong, we are passionate, we are survivors. Most of all we are a UNIQUE Gift, one to be respected and treasured.
Sarah T. Kruel, thank you so much for supporting women toward self-respect, balance and empowerment!
Reviewer: Dorothy Lafrinere (July08)
Publisher: InfinityPublishing.com
More Information
ISBN: 978-0741423597