This self-esteem information was written by the founder and owner of, Dorothy Lafrinere. You may have seen a few of these self-esteem articles, or portions of them, around the Internet. They have become quite popular, and for good reason! They deal with the most common themes of womens self-esteem, confidence, jealousy, relationships, self-worth, and much more, and are full of great self esteem tips. I guarantee that you have NEVER seen your self-esteem and your feelings explained in such easy to understand terms. For most women, this self-esteem information is what they have been looking for, for most of their lives. When women really read this information, they are extremely happy to have finally found some real answers. Your self-esteem will grow just from reading these! The knowledge found in these articles is priceless. We believe that women should have the best information available.
Since my worst period of issues with low self esteem, I’ve realized that one of my main problems was – and still is – the inability to access my own feelings and emotions. I minimized my reactivity to people and events in order to prevent myself from doing something that might offend others in some way. In that process, I lost myself........
They know well enough that they disgust people just by watching their reactions, yet is is not enough to make them stop eating. Obese people are ridiculed in public all the time and they loose out on many relationships because the other person cannot understand their addiction for food. Food addicts will even ignore that they are literally killing themselves with every bite that they do not need. They choose to not think about it, as any addict does.
In a relationship, when one partner is suffering, both partners are indeed suffering. What one person brings to a relationship affects the other partner. Understand without any room to is vital that you take care of who you are before you decide to commit to sharing a life with another person. If you are in a relationship and your partner suffers seriously from any type of issue...
Low self-esteem can make a person shrink in seconds. One minute you will be feeling on top of the world and it will only take one wrong look, gesture or compliment by another to crash that feeling of security.
Even when this look, gesture, or compliment is not given in a negative context, but....
I have also heard and read that butt implants surgery is fast and growing in popularity for both men and women. It seems that a larger number of the younger girls are developing the body type of, shall I say a 'Booty-licous' mold more than ever before and many of the older woman feel threatened. So we have now moved on from the breast evolution to the vagina and buttocks evolution.
So for all of you women out there that compare themselves with these unrealistic body images, relax and admire what you have. Stop allowing what is not real determine your level of self-esteem.
The same goes for those men out there that feel they are missing out on something. Please and thank you!
Negativity accumulates in our lives, in our souls, over time. The process of removing it optimally happens in layers. It's best to release as much of each stored negative emotion as you can during...
True self-esteem is grounded on a positive self-image strongly reinforced by positive attitudes like self-approval and personal contentment. These are values that come from within one self. In today’s world, there are thousands of outside factors that can influence a woman into believing otherwise and compelling her to look for her own value in something other than herself. Unfortunately, these factors are not only promoted intentionally, but also mechanically, because their power to undermine a sense of self-empowerment of a woman is induced through the power of suggestion in a manner closely related to hypnotic indoctrination.
Confidence and self-esteem. Is it because women are not of the IDEAL weight or is it truly a mind set? I cannot seem to write enough about self-esteem. Here is something posted in my website (, from one of my dearest members...
When are we going to say no to the world that is working over time to sell, sell, sell? They are selling us, right down the river. We are buying into their game and they are winning. Every where we look our minds are brainwashed with images of the perfect body image.
Since the forgiveness experience will happen only for you, only you will receive its benefits. Your forgiveness may not influence a change in the behavior of others one bit. But it's not about them. It's about you...
Self esteem: Our positive thoughts are what will strengthen our minds to allow that positive personal change to happen. We choose to think our thoughts. We choose to see certain things. So then why is it so hard for us to think away the negative elements that our world insists on pasting all over the place?
I tell you, I cannot wait for that day! I’m sick and tired of caring so much about what others think about me or how they see me. Granted, hot flashes don’t sound so great, nor does lying in bed every night unable to sleep staring blankly at the ceiling, but the sense of coming into one’s own so profoundly sure does.
"Getting started with your change is tough, and believe me it is tough. It takes courage, determination, motivation, and a will to live life better, but it is so worth it! Taking action to change your life is scary, but the change can be wonderful! You have to take action, period! That's the key."
If you try to value yourself through the eyes of others or through a comparison of others, you will be doing nothing but denying your own uniqueness. To know your uniqueness and self-worth is to know yourself, without hearing or seeing any other source of comparison.
Beads of sweat roll down her forehead as she rubs a very prominent muscle in her calve. Her breathing is deep and hard but steady as regains her focus to another place in order to numb the pain. She reaches into a place in her mind where she has stored an energy that only a dedicated athlete has come to know. An energy that will take her that extra distance to her finish mark.
I am going to introduce you to my newest positive reaction attitude phrase. This self-esteem phrase has an amazing impact on how you deal with negative elements and thoughts. There are no instructions needed and it requires no batteries....
There are websites out there and many therapist that are selling you promises of quick fixes for cash. There are tons of books and ebooks, all telling you how to create a new you. Just by the amount of women coming into my site, I can tell that...
Why do we have to make resolutions only once a year? How many of you have ever fulfilled a New Years Resolution? EVERY DAY for the rest of your lives, your resolutions should start as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.
Listen to me! You are not responsible for falling, or losing the battle. But you are TOTALLY responsible for getting back up. Yes that's right, it is you that has to pull it together. I know, it's a joke to even think about it, but you need to go back as far back as you can and find a place where in your mind that will make you smile.
Is it OK to fake an Orgasm? Is there something wrong with a woman that has not experienced an orgasm? There is nothing physically wrong with women that have not experienced the big O! They simply just have not learned how. It is very much a mental exercise as well as physical.
Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves rolling into each, over and over again. This is what it feels like to not have positive control over your mind.
Our negative trap is working well, isn't it? The trap of low self confidence is what will trigger all the lows in our emotions such as: low self-esteem, low energy levels, low sexual desires, low positive thinking, low care in personal hygiene, low desires in life period.
Your goal is to offset the mind-body reaction to the stresses we are constantly forced to deal with through society. The power of self-esteem can be gained if you really want it.
Throughout my dealings with women from all over the world, I have met so many that are in a prison of pain and frustration. Through my website, they search desperately for a way out of this prison. They want so desperately to be heard.
You are the pretty girl that your man wants, desires, and will spend the rest of his life with. It's who we are that makes us the perfect woman. Not just what we look like, because we are not always going to look the same