Restless Spirit Book Review
Book Reviews by

Title: Restless Spirit
Author: Kathie Decker
Pages: 185 Soft Cover
ISBN#: 1-4241-5938-5
About the Author: K. Decker, 57, of Leland.
Kathie Decker is a lifelong resident of Illinois where she continues to grow in mind and through her writings.
When Kathie Decker decided to write, she looked to her surroundings for inspiration and together with her thoughts, “Restless Spirit” was created. "My aunt gave me an old manuscript of my grandmother's and said, 'Here, rewrite this,'". Decker is married with three grown children and nine grandchildren. Her daughter, a reporter for the DeKalb County Chronicle, edited the story for publication. Kathie Decker said she set herself a tight schedule and usually wrote six to seven hours each day. It took over four months to finish the story.
“It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was also the most satisfying,” Decker said. “Creating an alternate world is really kind of difficult.” That world is loosely based on places and events that are familiar to Decker. She and her husband have lived in the area for several generations. Some of the landscape and legends in the book may seem familiar to local readers, as well.
About the Book: "Restless Spirit, is a story which revolves around a young woman (Anthea) and her steps in overcoming grief and emotional dependency. As you read on, you will also be touched by a woman's spirit from a time period far removed from Anthea's own. Through this book, you will get to know Anthea Blake. She is a young woman who experienced the meaning of loss, through the death of her father, at a very young age. Through the strong reserved character of her mother's need to survive and show no sign of collapse, Anthea and her younger sister (Jill), learned to be very stable young women.
RESTLESS SPIRIT is what Anthea becomes after the death of her very much loved husband. The reader will be captured by the mysteries that unfold when Anthea gathers up her much needed self-esteem in order to strengthen her decision to finally move past her feelings of loss. This critical inner decision forces her to push forward in her new life as a widow. Her move is in the direction of an old farm house in a rural river valley area. She is mysteriously drawn to a particular homestead as if it were a dream taunting her.
This story will introduce you, the reader to characters that all seem to be drawn together in this little Valley town, through shadows even ghost like experiences. Together with Anthea and her sister the mysteries begin to surface as if the circle of spirits are finally all together. highly recommends, ”Restless Spirit” to anyone that loves to escape from their world for a brief time into a world much like their own with a little added mystery and spiritual entities. Heartwarming is another word that comes to mind as I remember the RESTLESS SPIRIT of Anthea Blake!
Reviewed by Dorothyl
June 30/07