On Becoming Fearless Book Review
Book Reviews by WomensSelfesteem.com
February 2007

Title: On Becoming Fearless: ...in Love, Work, and Life
Author: Arianna Huffington
Publisher: Little Brown and Company
Pages: 230 Hard Cover
ISBN#: 13: 978-0-316-16681-2
About the Author: Arianna Huffington, is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of eleven books. She is also co-host of “Left, Right & Center,” public radio’s popular political round table program.
In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that has quickly become one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media brands on the Internet.
In 2006, she was named to the Time 100, Time Magazine's list of the world’s 100 most influential people. Originally from Greece, she moved to England when she was 16 and graduated from Cambridge University with an M.A. in economics. At 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union.
"On Becoming Fearless....in Love, Work and Life" is Huffington's most recent and most personal book to date, offering a road map for achieving fearlessness in every aspect of life, a straight-to the point manifesto on how to be bold, how to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done in order to find the freedom to love, lead and succeed.
“Fanatics and Fools: The Game Plan for Winning Back America”, offers a scathing portrait of our contemporary political landscape with a bold, inspiring and practical approach to restoring America to the promise envisioned by our greatest leaders. It was published in 2004.
“Pigs at the Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining America,” a New York Times bestseller, was published in 2003.
“How to Overthrow the Government,” on the corruption of our political system and the need for reform, was published in 2000.
“Greetings from the Lincoln Bedroom,” a political satire, was published in 1998.
“The Fourth Instinct,” on the longing for meaning in a secular world, was published in 1994.
“Picasso: Creator and Destroyer,” a biography of Pablo Picasso was published in 1988. It was a major international bestseller, translated into 16 languages. The book was made into a film starring Anthony Hopkins as Picasso and produced by Merchant-Ivory for Warner Bros.
“The Gods of Greece,” celebrates the power of myths as guides to forgotten dimensions of life and ourselves. Atlantic Monthly Press republished it with paintings by Françoise Gilot
“The Woman behind the Legend,” published in 1981, a biography of Maria Callas quickly became an international bestseller.
“After Reason,” on political leadership and the intersection of politics and culture was published in 1978.
“The Female Woman,” on the changing roles of women, was published in 1974 by Random House and translated into 11 languages.
Huffington has made guest appearances on numerous television shows, including “Charlie Rose", “Oprah", “Nightline", “Real Time with Bill Maher", “Inside Politics", “Larry King Live", “Hardball", “Good Morning America", the “Today” show", “Countdown” and “The O’Reilly Factor".
She serves on several boards that promote community solutions to social problems, including A Place Called Home, which works with at-risk children in South Central Los Angeles. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Archer School for Girls.
Arianna Huffington lives in Los Angeles with her two teenage daughters.
About the Book: "On Becoming Fearless: ...in Love, Work, and Life" is a definite excellent source of concrete ways to deal with fear. In this book you will read and open your mind to many ways to battle just about every type of fear known to womankind. The information and helpful tips are not from a person that has read a book or heard about fear, this book brings its reader, first hand experience and advice based on those experiences.
This book will talk about so many fears such as: love, parenting, childbirth, relationships, divorce, being alone, finding the best friend in you, failure and success, work (overworking), money, illness, aging, freedom to dream forever, letting go, God and death, loss of a person deemed to be your strong hold and foundation, leadership, speaking out, and changing the world.
"ON BECOMING FEARLESS" will help its reader to identify and understand the how's and whys of certain fears we as women are forced to deal with every day. It will teach you how to find your self-esteem that you once had and strengthen it so that no challenge life offers will taint it again. The author speaks through experiences of a normal everyday women, with every level of issues that we ourselves at one time or another have come in touch with. You will read about be an female activist in a, "mans world" and how the author has managed to overcome her fears in yet another battle against the, "Old School" way of thinking. Arianna Huffington also tries to reach her readers through this book with her insights in the political world and as a women who dared to say, "SO WHAT" and show them that they can be that women of fearlessness!
Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends, ”On Becoming Fearless” to anyone that has ever wasted a single minute of their lives in fear and doubt.
Personal Note from Dorothy:
Thank You Arianna Huffington for sharing your life experiences with us!
For more information on Arianna Huffington, go to www.huffingtonpost.com
On Becoming Fearless: ...in Love, Work, and Life Is now available for purchase@ AMAZON.COM