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"Women helping women build self esteem and confidence"

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Here's how:

Here's how to set

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  • Netscape Communicator 4.01 - 4.78
    1. Click "Edit" on menu bar

    2. Click "Preferences"
    3. Click the "Home Page" radio button
    4. In the "Location" text-entry box, enter "http://www.WomensSelfEsteem.com"
  • Netscape 3.0+
    1. Click "Options" on menu bar
    2. Click "General Preferences..."
    3. Select "Appearance" tab
    4. In the "Startup" section, click the "Home Page Location" button
    5. In the "Startup" section, enter "http://www.WomensSelfEsteem.com" in the text-entry box.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    1. Go to www.womensselfesteem.com start page
    2. Click "Tools" on menu bar
    3. Click "Internet Options"
    4. Select "General" tab
    5. Click button "Use Current" then click "Apply" or Type in www.womensselfesteem.com, then click "Apply"
  • AOL Web Browser:
    1. Add WomensSelfEsteem.com as your start-up page by clicking "Prefs"
    2. Change Home Page location to "http://www.WomensSelfEsteem.com

Here's how to add WomensSelfEsteem.com

to your bookmarks / favorites list:


  • Netscape
    1. Click "Bookmarks" on menu bar
    2. Click "Add Bookmark"

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer:
    1. Click "Favorites" on menu bar
    2. Click "Add To Favorites"

  • AOL Web Browser
    1. Click "Favorite Places" on tool bar
    2. Click "ADD FAVORITE PLACE" button
    3. Type "WomensSelfEsteem.com"
    4. Type "www.WomensSelfEsteem.com"
    5. Click "CLOSE" button




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