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Men Don't Listen Book Review

Book Reviews By WomensSelfesteem.com


Title: Men Don't Listen
Author: Wayne L. Misner
Publisher: iUniverse, Inc.
ISBN: 0-595-08955-0
Pages: 220

About the Author: Wayne Misner presently resides in New Jersey and is the father of two sons and one daughter. Wayne has been active in the health care field for thirty five years and continues to unravel the mysteries of the male and female mind. Along with being the owner of Health Care CIO, a consultant company in New Jersey, Wayne is also Vice President of Programs and Education for New Jersey Chapter of Parents without Partners, where he moderates men and women’s groups across the state. Through his writings in the book “Men Don’t Listen”, Wayne Misner portraits bits and pieces of his own life’s experiences along with many other examples. He does a very good job of giving his readers a very good book on hind site and education on relationships in general.

About the Book: Men Don't Listen
is a very well written and easy to read book. It is a recipe book on how to make a very good relationship and keep it. The title of this book is a definite attraction for all female readers, but I truly advise both genders to read this book. It teaches women as well as men to stop, listen and learn all those little things that chip away at our relationships, after all, men and women alike spend so much time and worry in regards to healing their frustrations where their inability to understand their partner is concerned. Men Don’t Listen has it all. This book will take its readers from A to Z in what steps are worth climbing to meet one another at a very equal level. One may consider this a self-help book in relationships. They would not be far from the truth, in fact it will even take away any false ideas that our world has managed to implement in your brain and take you to a realistic level of what men and women are really about. I enjoyed the romantic section of this book; it added a nice desert to the dinner so to speak.

Recommendation: Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends this read to all women and men regardless of your relationship. It is a very positive and informative book on living a very happy relationship. Thank you Wayne, for requesting a book review by womensselfesteem.com, it was a very entertaining, not to mention valuable read.

More information can be found at the author's website at

Men Don't Listen is available for purchase @ AMAZON.COM

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