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Jealousy Questions for Women

"Know Thy Self"

Jealousy Questions for Women

This is the Jealousy questions for women section. I ask the jealousy based questions and you provide the answers! The answers that you provide are not for anyone else to read. (We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission.) By answering these questions, you will be thinking about how you feel about specific subjects relating to your feelings and how you normally handle specific Jealousy issues in your life. Answering these questions will make you think about how well you deal with your jealousy issues and also how you could better deal with those issues at that same time. You may find as you're answering the jealousy questions that you are responding to the questions in terms of how you would, ideally, like to be. Please resist that temptation and answer, instead, from a place of complete self-honesty. Answer as truthfully as possible and try to write a detailed answer. Your own words WILL help you more than you can imagine!


Below are two very efffective and even helpful audios on the reality of jealousy 

Listening to these audios will help you strengthen inner thoughts and  control your fears.


Click here for The Truth of Jealousy 

Click Here for Getting Control of Jealousy


If you do NOT feel like using your own email address or real name, you are welcome to use a fake name and womensselfesteem@hotmail.com for the email address.

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I will only reply to your answers, if you write me and ask me to.

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These questions are for YOU to get to know YOU!

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