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January 2009

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New Years


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Happy New Years to all from Womensselfesteem.com!

'A New Year's Resolution', is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled or abandoned."
Sounds like a good plan, does it not?
Like any good plan that starts with a good intention and a goal insight....if this plan is not carried through to the end, the plan then fails.
The word commitment is the key to succeeding with any plan ultimately resulting in reaching your goal!

Popular Resolutions
*Lose weight
*Gain weight
*Save money
*Quit smoking
*Get more sleep
*Get a better job
*Drink less alcohol
*Be more independent
*Go to church more often
*Keep the house cleaner
*Spend more time with family

Womensselfesteem.com's Resolutions!
*Worry less
*Smile more
*Trust in faith
*Compare less
*Know yourself
*Learn to listen
*Accept yourself
*Learn to forgive
*Love yourself first
*Be good to yourself
*Be an honest person
* Learn to stroll through life
*Live for today, not yesterday
*Think more positive thoughts
*Accept others for who they are
*Understand your importance to others
*Treat others as they want to be treated
*Find your purpose in life & embrace it

These are just a few of my own day to day resolutions ... or goals as I would like to think of them.
To say you will wait until New Years Day to begin your goals is adding negative pressure on to a life which is already being challenged with tough realities and situations. Hence you will more than not give up and find yourself once again feeling disgusted or depressed with the fact that you failed to remain committed to your resolutions once again.
Be careful to not except from yourself what you cannot carry through. Keeping your self-expectations simple will help you in succeeding in reaching your goal.
Self-Expectations can drag you under if they are too high or given no time to reach. You  have all felt the weight of expecting too much from yourselves...this feeling does not help you in moving forward...if anything it will slow you down to a dead stop.

A good way to keep your expectations under control is by writing down one thing that you want to achieve that day, every morning while you drink your coffee or juice. Post it on your refrigerator, your desk at work,  even your forehead if necessary. This is your only expectation above your daily regiment for that day, so work very hard at reaching that goal.
When you are ready for bed, write down the date and the goal that you managed to reach that day. Carry this on throughout the year, you will eventually do it as part of your daily routine. When the next New Year comes around, you will not only feel good about reaching so many of those goals or resolutions but you can also pat yourself on the back for creating a positive habit of maintaining your years resolutions daily instead of just once a year..Your New Year Resolution will now become what you have succeeded in doing to close a year instead of what you are going to do to open a year!

If you want to do anything in your life, then you have to work at it EVERY DAY! If you want to change your negative thoughts into positive ones, you must change them EVERYDAY!
Why do you want to wait until the year is over to worry about what you should have or could have done?

When I read someone's worries about what they did not accomplish through out the year, my first thought is why don`t you think about what you have accomplished this year.
The only question you can answer with any certainty is whether you loved yourself enough in 2008. Our problems should not define us. The way we resolve them should!

We do so much EVERY DAY that we do not even realize it. We raise our children, we keep our families in tact, we do our best in our work place, we are there when a friend is in need, we put our own wants and desires aside for others, we do things to just make people smile, we are always thinking of someone else instead of ourselves. We do so many things already that we forget to pat ourselves on the back for the little things in life. When we can start to appreciate ourselves for those little things that we do EVERYDAY, then and only then, can we raise our self-esteem to its highest place.
Sweet People, EVERY DAY for the rest of your lives, your resolutions should start as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.
Now go & live life like it is the precious gift that it is!


