Title: Imagining Ourselves: Global Voices from a New Generation of Women Author/Editor: Paula Goldman Forward: Isabel Allende Publisher: New World Library ISBN: 1577315243 Pages: 239 About the Author/editor: Paula Goldman was born in Singapore in 1975. She lived in Jakarta, Indonesia with her family. In 1997 she moved to Southern California, where she graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. She then went on to receive a master’s degree in public affairs from Princeton University. Paula is studying for a PHD in Social Anthropology at Harvard University. Paula had a vision, and through her vision and her internal non-stop forward move she came up with the idea to do a book that would involve many different women from many different countries. The idea of an Anthology came up when she was conversing with a friend, Denise Dunning. Their ideas bounced back and forth with memories and experiences of other women from different countries that they have had friendships and encounters with. To be able to put all of these amazing women into one book would be the only book of its kind. Paula Goldman has always been driven into journeys in regards to working with people in conflict and in helping to better the opportunities in certain impoverished areas. Paula is a true moving spirit, spreading her strengths and education to all those that she can reach. Through her ideas and words, Paula brings to us her book about women across the globe which in turn has created a true legacy to her name. About the Book: Imagining Ourselves: Global Voices from a New Generation of Women The journey to creating “Imagining Ourselves”: Global Voices from a New Generation of Women started in the fall of 2001, during a breakfast between friends. It was a true challenge and a beginning to a book that only now can speak for itself. Women between 20 and 40 from all over the globe were invited to share a piece of their culture that would result from basically one question, “What defines your generation of women?” In order to be able to even come close to reaching over one billion women, The International Museum of Women was approached and became partners with Paula Goldman in order to fulfill her mission. Then an International Advisory Committee was formed involving twenty-five women from around the world who served as interpreters in communications. The results were organized into a book called, “Imagining Ourselves”, which is a global collection of many different stories, poems, art forms, and intimate portraits of women finally opening up their most inner personnel being, and striving to become a woman that will make their ancestors proud. The submissions that you will see in this book are spiritual, humorous, beautiful, thought provoking and some could be considered offensive. These are some of the real women of this day and age. They are women that have overcome their heritage and seized the day, so to speak. Through their art work and stories they reveal to us what it is like to gain an education and succeed in stepping up in a world that has challenged them, whether it is through poverty, violence, politics, extreme old fashion rules, or just life itself. The women that have been chosen for this book come from all over the globe. From countries such as: Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa, North America, Oceania, Sub-Saharan Africa and Western Europe. These are just a handful of cultures that, “Imagining Ourselves: Global Voices from a New Generation of Women” represents in regards to how far women have come with their achievements, self-esteem and the ability to stand up and be proud of who they are and where they were born. Recommendation: This book is for every walk of life and every room in the house. I also recommend it as a historical read to be cherished by our libraries across the globe. It is truly one of a kind. “Imagining Ourselves: Global Voices from a New Generation of Women”, will build ones self-esteem and hopes that women are becoming stronger and are overcoming all of the elements that stand in their way in building a more unique self. No matter what part of the world women are from, they are equally striving for a stronger voice to be heard. Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends this book to all people across the globe. "Thank You Paula Goldman, for everything you have done for women!"
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