Title Of Book: I Hear Your Cry....Women in Prison
Name Of Author: Veronica A. Shaffer
ISBN #: 0-595-40563-0
Number Of Pages: 191
Publisher: iUniverse
About The Author:
Veronica (Ronnie) Shaffer, R. T. R. has been a Healing Arts Practitioner since 1988. She is the mother of three children and resides in Abington,Massachusetts with her husband and currently teaches creative writing classes to male inmates. Veronica stays busy with lecturing on relaxation and stress reduction techniques and leads a meditation group in Abington, MA.
She teaches the popular "The Intuitive Self", workshop and a Prosperity workshop in both Boston and the surrounding areas and still manages to teach a weekly yoga class at All Sports Fitness in Rockland, MA and periodically teaches a six-week yoga course in her home.
Veronica taught yoga and meditation to women in prison the past five years which she writes about in her book, I Hear Your Cry: Women In Prison.
She has twenty years experience as a radiologic technologist at Massachusetts General Hospital (in the CT and MRI Departments) and has retired from the health care profession.
"My hope in writing this book is to bring greater awareness to the humanness of these women, their emotional battles and not always focus on their physical battles. Perhaps this is a way for women to connect with their own emotional imprisonments, know their is always a light at the end of the tunnel."- Veronica Shaffer
I Hear Your Cry: Women in Prison...is a full circle of emotions, compassion, consequences and characters met through a several six-week programs in yoga which the author introduces to a women's prison.
You will not only read about life behind bars in a womans jail, you will also find yourself engulfed in each womens story as you are drawn deeper into their world.
Veronica Shaffer's writing ability, as she shares her experiences with her readers is clear, direct and holds no judgment. Her written description of the attitudes which she perceives from the prisoners, the prison guards even the visitors draws very real pictures in the readers minds. A true talent on the authors part.
You will read how the author, Veronica Shaffer was driven by a dream and dedicated her time, even her heart to the cause of empowering and freeing women through their own minds and self-acceptance in a place that offered nothing more than a feeling of being lost and without hope for a better life.
I Hear Your Cry, will also tell you about the many crossroads the women endure and overcome, including Veronica herself, as she manages with determination and stubbornness to push her way through the many red tape rules and regulations of the penal system successfully.
Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends: "I Hear Your Cry: Women In Prison" as a definite education on personal struggle, empowerment, overcoming ones environment with hope,self-esteem and self-acceptance. This read will also tell you, the reader, exactly how it is when one is under the ruling of a penal system.
There are no rights or wrongs when you read about truth. This book is about truth, hind site, real people and real perseverance.
Veronica Shaffer, thank you!