Marilyn Lancelot
About the author:
Marilyn Lancelot is a recovering compulsive gambler. She visited her first casino in 1984 at the age of 53.
She resides in Yuma where, with GA friends started a meeting and also at the Perryville prison. With the help of GA sisters, she publishes a Women Helping Women Newsletter on the Internet. Marilyn has been giving back to GA what the program has given her. She retired at the age of 72 and has worked part-time for several years after her retirement to re-pay her debt to her victim of her gambling addiction. She now has more than seventeen years of recovery, One Day at a Time.
About the Book:
**Please, "I whispered to the officer, "not in front of my grandson. " Shaking his head, he leaned toward me with handcuffs dangling from his outstretched arm.**(excerpt from book)
**I opened my eyes and looked down at the handcuffs and remembered-my green garbage bag and I were on our way to the Arizona Women's Penitentiary.** (excerpt from book)
**Loneliness can eat away at your soul. Your children are gone, your husband is a bore--and maybe a boor, as well. Alcohol makes you hot and tired, instead of high. Pot is expensive, not to mention illegal! Other men are just as bad as worse than the one you have. What is left to do? GAMBLE!!**** (excerpt from book)
**Do people gamble too much because they are depressed or, does gambling too much cause the depression?**(excerpt from book)**Our object in recovery is to turn round the negative behaviors that characterized us then: it stands to reason that honesty is a quality we need to cultivate.** (excerpt from book)
Need I say more about this true, horrifying memoir of a woman trapped by a gambling addiction.
If her story does not in some way deter you or help you with a gambling addiction, then you will be where she was in her story, "GRIPPED BY GAMBLING" highly recommends; GRIPPED BY GAMBLING" to all therapists, gamblers, members of a family involved with an gambling addiction and any education facility. This book is a true-grit resource book brought to you by the author as she reveals her story which has positive direction and very effective information in regards to gambling addiction.
I commend Marilyn Lancelot for her strength to persevere and push forward in order to overcome a most cunning, deadly addiction...GAMBLING!!!
Reviewed by Dorothy Lafrinere (July08)
Publisher: Wheatmark
Pages: 220
ISBN: 978-1587367700