Book Reviews by
Review Date: November 2007
Book Title: Fast Track
Author Of Book: John DeDakis
Publisher: ArcheBooks Publishing
ISBN#: 1-59507-094-X
# of Pages: 282
About the Author:
John DeDakis has a BA in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently a Senior Copy Editor at CNN in Washington where
he is an editor/writer on The Situation Room, anchored by Wolf Blitzer.
Prior to joining CNN in 1988, Mr. DeDakis was White House Correspondent for CBN News during the last three years of the Reagan Administration.
His journalism career began in 1969 when he was tear-gassed while covering an anti-Vietnam War riot for a campus radio station. While in the Army in
Frankfurt, Germany, Mr. DeDakis was stationed at the headquarters of the American Forces Network-Europe. He has also produced award-winning
radio and television documentaries. For pleasure, he reads, hikes, plays tennis and the drums. His wife Cynthia is a choral conductor. They have
three children.
About The Book:
Fast Track is a story that is not only riveting , it is also full of unpredictable twists and intrigue.
This is a very well written book with a superbly rounded plot, solid characters and challenges its readers curiosity until the very end.
Fast Track will take you on a journey with Lark Chadwick, a young almost journalist. You will follow her day to day life as it suddenly becomes a calamity
of dangerous events when certain realizations of her family roots take her and you on a time travel into their past mystery. highly recommends Fast Track as an excellent book for all readers with a hungry mind for a true thinker, original content and
it's own unique story. A definite, hard to put down read!
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