A spirit filled journey of bird feathers,
dolphins & the siren call to Greece~
Kathryn Clark: A graduate in Classics from the University of California at Berkeley, Ms Clark spends her time writing in Greece and promoting her work in the United Sates. She has traveled extensively throughout the Mediterranean. She is currently perfecting the art of traveling with her four year old chocolate lab and his tennis ball.
Kathryn Clark shares with you an intimate nine-year journey as she struggles through her landscapes of life's challenges of soul-searching and self-realization within her experiences with illness and death of her loved ones. She also shares with you her amazing memoirs of her travels and her deep discoveries of the spiritual and inspirational connection with Ancient Greece and Rome. A place that was tremendously cathartic in her ability to grow past losses and move forward in her life, with her children.
As you delve deeper into Echoes of the MOON, you will read of friendships of similar purpose in life, personal sacrifice, the kind of sacrifice only offered through a families love and loyalty to one another. Sacrifice that is many times unseen, unnoticed and unappreciated by others. Never the less, it is a sacrifice that must be endured in order to overcome the grief of loss and the ability to heal ones self through the continuation of self-growth.
Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends: ECHOES of the MOON as a well written self-help and instructional book of true life experiences, acceptance and growth.
This is a true teaching in its own right of how once the innocent, dependent child, becomes the spouse, parent then caregiver and decision maker for her own parents and family. It brings together historical spiritualism of the world with the human need to accept, and move past life's stages and challenges. It truly is a prime example of the 3 L's of the human cycle, Life, Love and Loss.
Reviewed by DorothyL

Product Details:
Pages: 320
ISBN-13: 9781469904337
Publisher: Createspace
Publication date: 1/28/2012
Product dimensions: 5.24 (w) x 7.99 (h) x 0.67 (d)
Available at:
Barnes & Nobles.com
Reading Group Guide.com