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Esther Blum


About the Author:

Esther Blum is a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutritionist practicing in New York City.  In her years of practice, Esther has helped show countless women how to put the fun back in eating, be a tigress in bed, eat and drink like a food fashionista, choose the right vitamins, feel up instead of feeling down, and realize that life is too short to be on a diet the whole time. Esther currently counsels her clients (both men and women) on a myriad of health conditions. Her holistic approach entails a philosophy and lifestyle that treats the whole person, rather than one specific health problem. Esther has 15 years' experience counseling thousands of clients, and takes into consideration the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of a person so that great healing can take place.

About the Book:   

EAT, DRINK and Be GORGEOUS is not just a feel good read, it is also exquisitely entertaining and in a class of it's own.  It is a very well written  resource book on nutrition, body works, inner beauty, and more!   
The author delivers her information through humorous description, strategies and pictures.      
It is 'THE' book that everyone is looking for. It has the ability to teach you how to feel like the sexual being you are meant to be. 

EAT, DRINK and Be GORGEOUS is full of easy and effective steps towards that healthier, happier goal that we are all driven too.

You will also read about how to survive a breakup, sassy cocktails, even facts on how to tame those monthly beast we know as PERIODS!

Womensselfesteem.com highly recommends: EAT, DRINK and Be GORGEOUS for all women who want the most out of their men, sex, food, workouts, health and lets not forget their self-esteem!

Life is but a one time opportunity, and for all of you who want to make it count, I suggest that you EAT, DRINK and Be GORGEOUS!!

Need I say more!



Book reviewed by DorothyL@womensselfesteem.com


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