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"Women helping women build self esteem and confidence"




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The main purpose of this website is to provide information and support to individuals to increase their quality of life in general. Information contained within the WomensSelfesteem.com website changes on a regular basis by it's owners. WomensSelfesteem.com reserves the right to change, alter or make improvements to the information provided at any time deemed necessary. This website and much of the information provided from within are not provided by professional doctors or psychologists, and WomensSelfesteem.com cannot be held liable as such. Information and advice given from WomensSelfesteem.com and/or persons that visit websites utilized by WomensSelfesteem.com, is general help offered mostly from non-qualified individuals. This website and the information provided within are not to be substituted for professional guidance and/or counseling, or qualified medical help. This website is provided as a free service to you on behalf of caring individuals such as yourself. Additionally, due to the nature of the individuals that visit WomensSelfesteem.com and the websites that they utilize, Womensselfesteem.com cannot be held responsible for the death and/or personal injury of anyone that visits the website for any reason.



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