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Women, What the Hell are You Thinking

Cheryl Lacey-Donovan Author Interview .. Sunday May 27, 2007

 Author Interview by www.WomensSelfesteem.com


Women, What the Hell are You Thinking
An Inspirational Guide To Becoming a Virtuous Woman of God


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This interview with Cheryl Lacey-Donovan got started a little slow with a few introductions and before you knew it, the interview was underway. Here's how it went:

Dorothy: Good evening Ladies, I want to first thank Cheryl Lacey Donovan for taking her time to be here with us...and secondly I would like to thank all of you for taking your time to be here with us!

Cheryl: Yes, thank you all for inviting me it is a pleasure.

Dorothy: I am going to ask everyone to please sit back and give me and Cheryl about 30 minutes of space and then I will open this interview up to all of you.

Dorothy: Welcome Cheryl, how about starting this interview off with telling us a bit about the book that you wrote.

Cheryl: Well, the name of my book is,"Women What the Hell are you Thinking" and I wrote it because I advise so many women in my capacity as an instructor.

Dorothy: Within all the stories that you hear throughout your instructing,do you ever wonder just where the world went wrong?

Cheryl: Yes, so many women find themselves in difficult situations. Much of that is a direct result of poor decision making. I hope that the book will cause them to think about the choices that they make.

Dorothy: I definitely agree with you on that point. Cheryl just to cover the normal information, tell us where you were born and where you are now.

Cheryl: I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I have been happily married for 14 years and I have two sons ages 23 and 24 as well as a step daughter who is 18. My stepdaughter recently had a son who is 7 months old. But please don't use the G word just yet. They call me duchess.My son has a wonderful fiancee' and she has a beautiful son as well.

Dorothy: Family is definitely a must these days.

Cheryl: Absolutely

Dorothy: Cheryl, you have already told us why you wrote your book. Was there any one women in your work that struck you?

Cheryl: The chapters of the book were written about a compilation of women including myself. I found that many of us go through the same type of situations regardless of our backgrounds.

Dorothy: That is so very true. Cheryl everyone has a big time supporter, who was yours through out your work?

Cheryl: My husband has been a tremendous support to me as has my mother. My family has always rallied around me in my endeavors.

Dorothy: You are very fortunate to have that type of support.

Cheryl: This is so true. I have truly been blessed

Dorothy: Cheryl where exactly did you get the idea for your title, its rather catchy considering the basis behind your book?

Cheryl: I am glad you asked because many people have questioned my reasoning for using the word hell.

Dorothy: I can understand that.

Cheryl: I believe that it is ridiculous to believe that you can have a heaven without a hell.

Dorothy: I agree totally.

Cheryl: Many women live lives of hell right here on earth everyday. To minimize that by not calling it what it is would be wrong.

Dorothy: I noticed that your words, when interpreting the bible's verses, are in, for lack of a better word, in layman's terms.

Cheryl: Sometimes people can become too preachy in their explanations.

Dorothy: Is that your way of speaking on a normal day or was it your insight that felt that this would attract more readers?

Cheryl: I believe that one should make things plain so that they can be understood by everyone.

Dorothy: That is a very wise way of thinking as a writer.

Cheryl: Even when Jesus was teaching he often used parables that his listeners could relate to.

Dorothy: You speak of the Virtuous Woman a lot through your book, could you tell us why?

Dorothy: I find that phrase very empowering.

Cheryl: Well, the virtuous woman is an ideal that we all should strive to become. This woman is one who is industrious, takes care of her family, is financially savvy, and loves God. The thing to remember is that we are all in a position to be a virtuous woman, we simply need to apply what we already know.

Dorothy: In your book you speak of so many issues that women are being challenged with every day, do you feel that we will ever be able to change any of the reasons behind all of these issues?

Cheryl: Sure we can. But it will take forums like this one to get the word out. I truly believe that when one knows better that they can do better.

Dorothy: I agree, I always stand by the fact that it all starts in our own little corner of our worlds.

Cheryl: This is so true. One person can change alot. Just imagine what can happen if we all pitch in.

Dorothy: Very good words to live by Cheryl. You have also mentioned that your book is based on stories from women and some of your own. Could you expand a bit on your own personnel experiences that lead you to work at bettering your self as a Virtuous woman?

Cheryl: Well, I happened to have been a teenage mother. And as all of you know society said that myself and my children should have been statistics.The boys should be in jail or on drugs or in gangs. It was my mission with God's help to prove society wrong.

Dorothy: Were you a church going person before your experience?

Cheryl: My oldest son is now teaching in our local school district and my younger son is in college I have never been on assistance and have been gainfully employed the entire time.

Dorothy: Sounds like a very good pay it forward to me.

Cheryl: I happen to be a PK. A preachers Kid so church has always been an integral part of my life.

Dorothy: I know that your writings are meant to help other women to overcome many of their own issues, has this book helped you in any way?

Cheryl: Well, let me clarify, God has always been an integral part of my life.

Dorothy: It sounds like you have some very good roots.

Cheryl: I feel sometimes we get caught up in the church thing and forget Him.

Dorothy: That is fact,it is like any real relationship, the basis almost always gets put up as a wall flower.

Cheryl: Yes, it helped me to go back and relive some moments and reflect on how truly blessed I am.

Dorothy: It takes discipline to keep that in the forefront. Was there any part in your book that stands out as the hardest part to get through?

Cheryl: Not really, each section was reflective and necessary. It would only be hard if I had not had closure.

Dorothy: That is a very good thing, it will not shy you away from writing another book, is there going to be one?

Cheryl: Yes, there will hopefully be several. I plan to write one that speaks to motherhood, self esteem, and one for singlehood.

Dorothy: I look forward to even one, I thoroughly enjoyed your way of putting your thoughts across and using the bible at the same time. Self-esteem is a definite issue and a strong one.

Cheryl: Absolutely! This book will be entitled Worth More Than Rubies.The new book will look at the passage that says that women are worth more than rubies, yet we live our lives as though we are worthless by putting up with abuse and other issues.

Dorothy: The forum has attracted a lot of women that are attempting to write, do you have any tips for them?

Cheryl: Yes, do your homework and don't assume anything. Also remember that promotions are a very important part of book writing. You may think that your work is good, but until someone else sees it it doesn't mean a thing.

Dorothy: Do you anything specific to say to your readers and to women that are struggling to be the very best they can be?

Cheryl: Yes, follow your dreams, don't let anything stop you. The sky is the limit.

Dorothy: Cheers to that & thank You so much for all of your thoughts.I will now end this part of the interview and include the rest of the ladies in our discussion.

Cheryl: You are so welcome, thank you!

Dorothy: ladies if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. Cheryl has a few minutes yet to spare.

Linda: You are a blessing to so many Cheryl.

Cheryl: Thank you so much I just try to do what I can.

Alayniah_Teverbaugh: Yes she is, I can say that for myself.

Cheryl: Thank you.

Jenny: Cheryl, how did you find God? or did he find You?

Cheryl: I think I have always known that he was there, but as for what I am doing now he definitely found me.

Jenny: How long did it take to write your book?

Cheryl: It took me about two months to write the book I was truly inspired. Editing the book for correctness took a little longer.

Val: Cheryl in the quest to be the best woman you can be, how do you keep from thinking that you are never good enough?

Cheryl: I simply use what I like to call my manual, The Bible. It tells me that I am more than a conqueror and that I am good enough. Whenever I feel down I simply recite a few verses that speak to my heart.

Lynn: Everyone says family is so important, what if they are the one's who abused you and ruined what little if any self esteem I did have, then what?

Cheryl: When your family is the problem then you truly need to look for God and other outside influences that can help you overcome the obstacles. This can truly be a challenge but it is possible to overcome.

Lynn: How?

Cheryl: By remembering that God is always in control and looking to those things in your life that are good.

Lynn: I am working on it, but it seems so far fetched.

Cheryl: It really isn't as far off as you think, but your outlook has to change first. Forgiveness is a big part of it. If you don't forgive, you will never be able to move on. The people that hurt you have long since moved on now it is time for you to do the same.

Lynn: That's what Dorothy told me this morning.

Cheryl: Well, then this is confirmation

Val: Cheryl have you ever been wounded so deeply that you thought you would not survive?

Cheryl: Absolutely. But God is so good and so faithful. I know that for some this sounds so far away, but whatever your belief, you need to find a power greater than yourself and reach deep down inside yourself to find the joy that you seek.

Linda: Amen!

Dorothy: As I have said to so many women, all the time that we waste in suffering, there is no one that is going to really take the time to cars and they will all move on to a new day. It is initially all up to you alone. It is in us and up to us to move forward or to stay stuck.

Lynn; But when you have been wounded so deeply, how does a loving God allow that?

Cheryl: Well, that is a good question. And I am glad that you at least know that He does not cause it to happen but allows it. Think about Job and all that he went through.

Linda: God gave us a free will and we do it to each other.

Cheryl: When it was all said and done he was richer, healthier and happier than he had ever been.

Cheryl: So, we must look at our trials as a way of being able to help others once we have come through. If we have never been through anything then we cannot witness to others.

Val: What about when your pain is for someone else for the destruction of a human soul other than yourself and you seem powerless to do anything but pray.

Cheryl: Prayer is a powerful tool and it does change things.Is this person a child or an adult?

Val: My 19 yr old daughter...once a loving highly spiritual wonderful human being who loved GOD so, now a desperate young adult..addicted to drugs and that lifestyle.

Cheryl: It Is very devastating to be abused by someone who is entrusted with your well being, but even in the midst of your circumstances God is there and he gets the glory for bringing you through it. Val the bible says that we are to train our children in the way that they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Your daughter is ultimately responsible for her own decisions.

Val: That I know, it still makes my heart ache ever so and the tears come.

Cheryl: I do feel your pain however, because even though my sons have caused me little trouble, they have not always and do not always do what I have instilled.

Val: Thank you.

Cheryl: But, I do know that God is still faithful and pray for his favor to surround them like a shield at all times.

Melanie: Cheryl do you have a program on the web site that you gave earlier?

Cheryl: Yes It is called, Worth More Than Rubies and it airs on redchurchradio.com on Fridays from 11:00am - 12:00 noon. Also, visit the website www.virtuouswoman-31.net for inspirational messages.

Dorothy: Well as sad as it is to say, our time is up and it is that time. Cheryl it has been a pleasure.

Cheryl: God Bless you and may you prosper and be in good health even as your souls do prosper.

Dorothy: Cheryl, on behalf womensselfesteem.com and all the members that took their time to join us tonight, many thanks to you for your time and huge huggz for all of your positive efforts that you continue to put forth on behalf of all women.

That was the end of the interview. I was very happy to speak with Cheryl Lacey-Donovan about her book. She has a special way of showing women that there is a way for you to become inspired to become a "Virtuous Woman of God".
Dorothy Lafrinere



Women, What the Hell are You Thinking
An Inspirational Guide To Becoming a Virtuous Woman of God

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