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Essential Oils: How To Use - Flavoring Your Food

Essential Oils: How To Use - Flavoring Your Food
Pure essential oils have a wide range of therapeutic uses and benefits. The method applied can affect your results. In this article I will talk about using essential oils for flavoring your food to the absolute delight of your taste buds!

NATURAL SWEETENER ~ Add a drop or two of citrus, spice, or floral essential oil to a cup of honey, mix well and let stand, OR put a couple of drops of essential oil on a piece of paper towel and lay it on top of some sugar that's been placed inside of a jar. Cover the jar with a lid and let stand for a week.

Both of these methods will add the natural flavor of your essential oil to the honey or sugar lending a distinguishing note when you use them in your tea, baking and cooking.

DRY BAKING INGREDIENTS ~ Per cup of dry ingredients, such as flour, dispense a drop or two of a citrus, spice or floral essential oil onto a piece of paper towel for your sweet baked goods like cakes and cookies. Use a drop or two of herbal essential oil on a piece of paper towel for flavoring your savory baked goods like breads, tortillas and crackers.

Seal the piece of paper towel with drops of essential oils in a jar or other container with your dry ingredients and let stand for a week.

SALAD DRESSING, SOUPS, STEWS AND SAUCES ~ You can use the herbal essential oils to flavor olive oil for salad dressings, or add a drop or two to your soups, stews, gravies, or sauces. Be creative!

PLEASE NOTE: To maximize their benefits and flavors add essential oils at the end of the cooking process.

Citrus ~ Lemon, Sweet Orange
Spice ~ Cinnamon, Clove
Floral ~ Lavender
Herbal ~ Rosemary, Fennel, Carrot Seed, Thyme, Marjoram, Basil

Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding your health concerns.

KG has utilized essential oils in her energy medicine practice for more than 30 years. During that time she has facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma, illness and injury. Through her unique AromaTest™ system KG formulates essential oil blends that heal.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap chemical copies of essential oils available, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results always use ethically wild crafted or pure, organic essential oils that are pesticide free!

KG Stiles is a certified Aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG formulates aromatic oils for: colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's book, “Aromatic Medicine - Pathway to Health,” and her DVD about her AromaTest System of Healing, "Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal," are scheduled for release in 2006. Click to learn more and purchase Certified Organic Sweet Orange (sweet tang!) Click to learn about KG's other PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapy Products PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapy Products Menu Click to learn more and purchase Certified Organic Cinnamon Leaf (fresh, true scent!) Contact KG Stiles Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315


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