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Menopause: What to Do

Menopause: What to Do
If you are one of millions of women going through menopause, chances are you are asking what to do. Since symptoms of menopause can be devastating for many women, you obviously need some type of relief, allowing you to live as normal of a life as possible. The big question of menopause, and what to do, is generally based on prescription versus natural remedy. This decision is typically something you want to work with your doctor on since each woman is unique during this change of life. In other words, while one woman may do very well with prescription medication, other women will find far better relief using natural products.

For years when it came to menopause and what to do, women would turn to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). At first, the results were incredible but over time and through numerous studies, it has been identified that HRT can actually lead to certain types of cancers. In fact, new research is suggesting that women going through menopause should completely avoid HRT since long-term use creates high risks. Remember, if you prefer to go the prescription route, you have many other options.

For starters, when it comes to menopause, and what to do for incontinence, or leakage of the bladder, anticholinergic or antispasmodic drugs can help. During menopausal years, it is common for women going through this change of life to experience various types of urinary conditions. In addition to incontinence, caused from exercise, laughter, coughing, sneezing, or lifting objects, many women also experience higher levels of urinary tract infections.

As far as menopause, and what to do for things like hot flashes, doctors are now finding that antihypertensive drugs used to control blood pressure are actually moderately helpful in relieving symptoms. Of course, by having high blood pressure, you are placed at greater risk for heart attack and/or stroke. Therefore, by controlling your levels of blood pressure while going through menopause, you are getting two benefits, relief from the dreaded hot flash and a reduced risk of heart disease.

If you are going through menopause, chances are you are dealing with some level of depression, a very common symptom. When it comes to menopause and what to do for depression and anxiety, you will find a number of excellent drugs on the market. These drugs, known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, work on the brain's neurotransmitters. When the brain's serotonin level becomes too low, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and terrible mood swings. By increasing these levels, the symptoms are not nearly as difficult.

As mentioned, for menopause, your question of what to do may be geared toward an answer of a natural approach. Take osteoporosis, which is a common problem associated with the change of life. By increasing your calcium intake, whether through dairy products or calcium supplements, you can strengthen the bones, which cuts back the risk of osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. Today, a number of all-natural products are available helping you with menopause symptoms and showing you exactly what to do to make this phase of life easier to deal with.

Let's start with some of the more common supplements that can prevent, lessen, and in some cases, reverse the effects of both peri-menopause and menopause. Most of these mentioned work by increasing progesterone levels. Since the body is not producing adequate levels of estrogen during menopause, this helps relieves many of the unwanted symptoms. Therefore, we wanted to provide you with some options that have been tested and proven to work.

First, when it comes to menopause and what to do for mood swings and insomnia try Mellow Pause. This natural product is a combination of ingredients that help balance hormone levels. Flaxseed oil is another natural product that is great for treating mood swings and depression, as well as fatigue. Next, evening primrose can alleviate things like cramping, headaches, water retention, and irritability. Vitamin B6 increases progesterone levels, Vitamin E is a mild hormone replacement, and Vitamin C, particularly Ester, is great for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Other things you can try for menopause, answering the question of what to do, include calcium citrate coupled with magnesium. These supplements are great for overall symptom relief. Then, coral calcium, which comes from Sango Reefs, work extremely well for repairing, damaged cells. Other natural products and supplements to try include Fulvic Acid and Shilajit, bee pollen, and zinc. Remember, whether choosing to treat your menopause symptoms with prescription medication or natural remedies, you have many excellent options. In other words, as bad as symptoms can be you do not have to simply live with them.

Author Dawn M. Olsen takes the subject of menopause relief to the next level through education, diet, and the latest in alternative remedies in her new eBook "Menopause A to Z - A Definitive Guide to Modern Menopause".



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