Pamil Visions is a concept elaborated to help new organizations and private entrepreneurs make a professional start in their business. By combining professional public relations expertise and design, companies can better promote corporate image and products or services, delivering quality information meant to attain customer credibility and increase sales. The project initiator is Mihaela Lica, skilled journalist and public relations consultant. This is her story…
“The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success.”
- Irving Berlin
“Pamil Visions is a project I’ve been dreaming about for a long time already. In December 2002 I left behind a job that meant a lot to me and a TV team from which I had a lot to learn about image, promotion, people… The four years as a military TV redactor at Pro Patria have changed my life. To all my colleagues, for everything they taught me Col. Dr. Ion Petrescu, Col. Benone Neagoe, Col. George Vasile, Mr. Adrian Buhlea, Ion Chita, Dan Domenico, special thanks and respectful salutes. I keep them all in my heart, wherever I go. I cherish their professional legacy and I respect the ethic codes we were all bound to while working together. Today I apply these codes in my work as a PR consultant, and Pamil Visions has a lot to do with this heritage, but most, it has to do with my father, Col. Pavel Lica, a military journalist as well. He is my model, my mentor, and most of all, my friend. Pamil means Pavel and Mihaela Lica. “Visions” stands for creation, imagination and positive reactions. Pamil Visions is not a company, but the name uniting freelance journalists and designers on the Internet.”
- Mihaela Lica
Mihaela Lica is a “radio” child. Always looking up to her father, she did her best to follow his footsteps and become a professional journalist. As a child she was often invited to moderate a live transmission for kids. “Buna Dimineata, Copii” (Good Morning, Children) was only the beginning.
At sixteen she started increasing her contributions for the National Radio Station, working as a collaborator. Her reportages and essays were broadcasted on different channels: Romania 1, Romania Tineret and Romania International. She covered various fields, including: children and youth aspects, Romanian history (with accent on the history of the Thracian gods and their influence in the Greek and Roman mythology), religion and culture, entertainment.
Her work attracted the attention of a valuable military journalist Alexandru Leaua, who asked Mihaela to moderate with him a special radio show broadcasted in Angola. This was the first contact she had with the military life, other than what she knew from her father.
It is not an uncommon practice to combine work with study and this is what Mihaela did during high school and the university years. She holds a degree in philosophy from the University of Bucharest, where she graduated with high honors, in 1997, The International Academy for the Study of History, Culture and Religion.
In 1998 she was employed in the Human Resources Department of the International Bank of Religions in Bucharest, as a referent. The job didn’t stop her from continuing the radio contributions.
Knowing about her role in the “Voci de Acasa” program for the Romanian soldiers in Angola, in 1999, the chief of the military TV redaction Pro Patria, Col. Valeriu Pricina, asked Mihaela to become a permanent member of the military TV team. She left the Bank, beginning her career as a military TV redactor employed by the Public Relations Directorate of the Romanian Ministry of Defense.
Her work was characterized by a fresh approach of the military life in all its aspects. The love for Romanian history and culture determined her to initiate a number of commentaries about military monuments, the National Hymn and the National Flag.
In order to show civilians what the life in the Army really means, Mihaela elaborated a series of reports about military surviving techniques including water procurement, building and lighting a fire, preparing food found in the wildness (frogs, snakes, snails, birds, roots, animals and more), all these with artisanal tools and weapons. Interviews with prominent personalities of the Romanian Ministry of Defense and other international VIPs were usual in her field.
Mihaela covered important NATO related events, peace keeping exercises, NATO reunions, the NATO Wives Bazaar and in 2002 she was representing the Romanian Ministry of Defense in the NATO Military Audio Visual Working Group (NMAVWG), which purpose is to promote and improve the use and effectiveness of audio-visual communications in support of NATO and the Ministries of Defense /Defense Commands of member nations.
2002 was also the year bringing Mihaela a special price from the Army’s Media Trust for reviving the instruction reportage.
In December 2002 Mihaela left Romania and the Ministry of Defense and from January 2003 my-tronic GmbH – an electronic company from Morbach, Germany, employed her as a public relations consultant. In her position she had to renew the company image and to supervise the Internet marketing.
The firm’s owner, Norbert Ernst, was back than her boyfriend. They got married in July 2003, but the relation didn’t work as they both expected. From January 2005 they live separated.
For my-tronic Mihaela created a new image, customer oriented, fresh and modern, thus transforming in only half a year the modest company and making it known not only nationally, but also internationally. She was in charge of four websites:,, and Her journalistic experience and her artistic skills, as well as her public relations knowledge together with the web coding and design expertise provided by our top consultant Emil Maran, pushed the sites on the first positions in major search engines (google, yahoo, msn), with keywords like: led effects, led spots, led tiles, led stripes, led tubes. The press release writing know-how brought credibility for the Morbachian Company, thus clients from all over the world came to visit its headquarters in that small German village. Mihaela took personally care of their well being, showing them historic places in the near: the wine paradise in Bernkastel and the oldest German town, Trier.
Mihaela wrote all the web texts and press releases, developed the documentation layout and was in charge of an important part of the international customer relation area. Mihaela also designed business brochures and initiated the “led-effects” concept: light and beauty. Metaphorically identifying the splendor of light in the beauty of a young girl and the might of the ancient gods, she named the LED luminaries after the gods and the stars: Adhara, Chandra, Chara, Hesperus, Asterope, Aimend.
Pamil Visions is her newest project. The site was only recently launched – in October 2005, and its success, as expected, came fast, due to a consistent promotional campaign based on press releases and specialty articles published by Mihaela on different web media outlets.
Mihaela has a dynamic personality and high ethic standards. The military education added working discipline to her character. She is able to finish quality projects fast and reliable. She is a perfectionist. A Romanian native, she inherited from her ancestors a Latin temper, passionate and emotional. She reads a lot, writes, paints and enjoys salsa dancing and traveling.